Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC793.5.N4622 D4 2005 Development opportunities for small and medium scale accelerator driven neutron sources : report of a technical meeting held in Vienna, 18-21 May 2004. 1
QC793.5.N4622 D484 2022 Development of steady state compact fusion neutron sources : final report of a coordinated research project. 2
QC793.5.N4622 I57 1972 Nuclear structure study with neutrons. : [Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Structure Study with Neutrons, Budapest, 31 July - 5 August 1972] / 1
QC793.5.N4622 I58 2000 Advances in neutron scattering research : proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Advanced Science Research (ASR-2000), October 31-November 2, 2000, Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Institute, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan / 1
QC793.5.N4622 L48 1984 Computational methods of neutron transport / 1
QC793.5.N4622 L48 1993 Computational methods of neutron transport / 1
QC793.5.N4622 M44 1988 Advanced neutron sources, 1988 : proceedings of the 10th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS X) held at Los Alamos, 3-7 October 1988 / 1
QC793.5.N4622 N37 1983eb Radiation protection and measurement for low-voltage neutron generators recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1
QC793.5.N4622 N47 1994 Neutron beams and synchrotron radiation sources / 1
QC793.5.N4622 N474 2002 Neutron data booklet / 1
QC793.5.N4622 N48 2012 Neutron generators for analytical purposes
Neutron generators for analytical purposes.
QC793.5.N4622 R47 2001 Research infrastructures : neutron sources / 1
QC793.5.N4622 U84 2015eb Use of neutron beams for materials research relevant to the nuclear energy sector. 2
QC793.5.N4622 W54 The slowing down and thermalization of neutrons / 1
QC793.5.N4622 W55 1988 Polarized neutrons / 1
QC793.5.N46228 E26 1998 Diffusion de neutrons aux petits angles (DNPA) : École thématique de la Société française de neutronique, Albé, Massif Vosgien, France, 12-13 mai 1998 / 1
QC793.5.N4624 M84 2006 Atlas of neutron resonances : resonance parameters and thermal cross sections Z=1-100 / 1
QC793.5.N4624 M84 2018 Atlas of neutron resonances resonance parameters and thermal cross sections Z=1-100. 2
QC793.5.N4624 N47 1981 vol. 1 Neutron cross sections : neutron resonance parameters and thermal cross sections / 1
QC793.5.N4624 N47 2006 Atlas of neutron resonances : resonance parameters and thermal cross sections Z=1-100 / 1