Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC794.6.S75 T77 2001eb The legacy of LEP and SLC proceedings of the 7th Topical Seminar on the Legacy of LEP and SLC : Siena, Italy, 8-11 October 2001 / 1
QC794.6.S8 A5 1977 Hydrogen stopping powers and ranges in all elements 1
QC794.6.S8 N47 2007 Interactions between charged particles in a magnetic field : a theoretical approach to ion stopping in magnetized plasmas / 1
QC794.6.S8 N47 2007eb Interactions between charged particles in a magnetic field a theoretical approach to ion stopping in magnetized plasmas / 1
String theory compactifications /
Introduction to string theory /
Superstring theory in the 21st century /
Branes and DAHA representations /
Recent developments in string theory /
A new generation of cosmic superstring simulations /
Superstring Theory : 25th Anniversary Edition.
Progress in String Theory and M-Theory /
Algebraic structure of string field theory
String field theory : a modern introduction /
Naturalness, string landscape and multiverse : a modern introduction with exercises /
String Theory For Dummies
Cosmology and string theory /
Strings, Branes and Dualities /
Progress in String, Field and Particle Theory /
QC794.6 .S85 2004eb String theory: from Gauge interactions to cosmology [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on String Theory: From Gauge Interactions to Cosmology, Cargese, France, from 7-19 June 2004] / 1
QC794.6.S85 A53 2003 The mathematical theory of cosmic strings : cosmic strings in the wire approximation / 1
QC794.6.S85 A53 2003eb The mathematical theory of cosmic strings : cosmic strings in the wire approximation / 2
QC794.6.S85 B3713 1990 Introduction to the relativistic string theory / 1
QC794.6.S85 B38 2015eb Inflation and string theory / 1
QC794.6.S85 B43 2007 String theory and M-theory : a modern introduction / 1
QC794.6.S85 B435 2007eb String theory and M-theory : a modern introduction / 1
QC794.6.S85 B57 2012 The Birth of String Theory. 2
QC794.6.S85 B58 2013 Basic concepts of string theory 1
QC794.6.S85 B75 1988 Principles of string theory 1
QC794.6.S85 C37 1987 Particle physics : Cargèse 1987 / 1
QC794.6.S85 C56 2002 Strings and geometry : proceedings of the Clay Mathematics Institute 2002 Summer School on Strings and Geometry, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 24-April 20, 2002 / 1
QC794.6.S85 D39 2013 String theory and the scientific method / 1
QC794.6.S85 D39 2013eb String theory and the scientific method / 2
QC794.6.S85 E26 2008 String theory and the real world : from particle physics to astrophysics : École d'été de physique des Houches, session LXXXVII, 2 July-27 July 2007 : École thématique du CNRS / 1