Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC809.F5 W86 2006eb Discrete inverse and state estimation problems : with geophysical fluid applications / 2
QC809.F5 Y26 1990 Wave packets and their bifurcations in geophysical fluid dynamics / 1
QC809.F5 Z45 2018 Geophysical fluid dynamics : understanding (almost) everything with rotating shallow water models / 1
QC809.I45 M38 Mathematical methods in geophysical imaging. 1
QC809.M25 Magnetic fields in the solar system : planets, moons and solar wind interactions /
Magnetic fields in diffuse media /
The strongest magnetic fields in the universe /
The near-Saturn magnetic field environment /
Dynamo and Dynamics, a Mathematical Challenge /
QC809.M25 A34 2003eb Advances in nonlinear dynamos 1
QC809.M25 A38 2003 Advances in nonlinear dynamos / 1
QC809.M25 B4 2001 Visualising magnetic fields : numerical equation solvers in action / 1
QC809.M25 C43 2013 Solar and stellar dynamos 1
QC809.M25 C48 1995 Stretch, twist, fold the fast dynamo /
Stretch, twist, fold : the fast dynamo /
QC809.M25 C65 1964 Atti del convegno sui campi magnetici solari e la spettroscopía ad alta risoluzione = Proceedings of the Meeting on Solar Magnetic Fields and High Resolution Spectroscopy : Roma, Osservatorio astronomico di Monte Mario, 14-16 settembre 1964. 1
QC809.M25 D67 2007 Mathematical aspects of natural dynamos / 2
QC809.M25 D67 2009eb Cosmic rays in magnetospheres of the Earth and other planets 1
QC809.M25 D96 2001 Dynamo and dynamics : a mathematical challenge / 1
QC809.M25 E26 2007 Dynamos : : École d'été de physique des Houches, session LXXXVIII, 30 July-24 August 2007 : École thématique du CNRS / 1
QC809.M25 E26 2008eb Dynamos École d'été de physique des Houches, session LXXXVIII, 30 July-24 August 2007 : École thématique du CNRS / 1
QC809.M25 G83 1996 Geoelectromagnetic waves / 1
QC809.M25 I5 Stellar and solar magnetic fields / 1
QC809.M25 I58 1992 The cosmic dynamo : proceedings of the 157th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Potsdam, Germany, September 7-11, 1992 / 1
QC809.M25 I58 1992eb The cosmic dynamo : proceedings of the 157th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Potsdam, Germany, September 7-11, 1992 / 1