Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QC859 .C84 | Traité de météorologie ... / | 1 |
QC859 .D53 1987 | A prognostication everlasting : corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges : a reproduction of the copy in the British Library / | 1 |
QC859 .F52 | Meteorologica | 1 |
QC859 .F76 1670 | Meteorologicorum. / | 2 |
QC859 .F85 | Meteors, or, A plain description of all kind of meteors as well fiery and ayrie, as watry and earthy, briefly manifesting the causes of all blazing-stars, shooting stars, flames in the aire, thunder, lightning, earthquakes, rain, dew, snow, clouds, sprigs, stones, and metalls / | 2 |
QC859 .F85 1979 | A goodly gallerye : William Fulke's book of meteors / | 1 |
QC859 .G57 | Astro-meteorologica, or, Aphorisms and discourses of the bodies cœlestial, their natures and influences. : Discovered from the variety of the alterations of the air, temperate, or intemperate, as to heat or cold, frost, snow, hail, fog, rain, wind, storm, lightnings, thunder, blasting, hurricane, tuffon, whirlwind, iris, chasme, parelij, comets their original and duration, earthquakes, vulcano's, inundations, sickness epidemical, maculæ solis, and other secrets of nature / | 1 |
QC859 .G57 1686 | Astro-meteorologica, or, Aphorisms and discourses of the bodies cœlestial, their natures and influences. : Discovered from the variety of the alterations of the air, temperate, or intemperate, as to heat or cold, frost, snow, hail, fog, rain, wind, storm, lightnings, thunder, blasting, hurricane, tuffon, whirlwind, iris, chasme, parelij, comets their original and duration, earthquakes, vulcano's, inundations, sickness epidemical, maculæ solis, and other secrets of nature / | 1 |
QC859 .G62 | Astro-meteorologica, or, Aphorisms and discourses of the bodies cœlestial, their natures and influences discovered from the variety of the alterations of the air ... and other secrets of nature / | 1 |
QC859 .H3 1772 | Philosophical essays on the following subjects : I. On the ascent of vapours, the formation of clouds, rain and dew, and on several other phœnomena of air and water. II. Observations and conjectures on the nature of the aurora borealis, and the tails of comets. III. On the principles of mechanicks. / by Hugh Hamilton. | 1 |
QC859 .H45 | Aero-chalinos, or, A register for the air for the better preservation of health and cure of diseases, after a new method / | 2 |
QC859 .I2618 1993 | Kitāb al-anwāʼ wa-l-azmina : al-qawl fi l-suhur / | 1 |
A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect fruitfully augmented by the author, containing plaine, briefe, pleasant, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the sunne, moone, starres, comets, rainbow, thunder, clowdes, with other extraordinary tokens, not omitting the aspects of planets, with a briefe iudgement for euer, of plentie, lacke, sicknes, dearth, warres, &c. opening also many naturall causes worthie to be knowne : To these and other now at the last, are ioyned diuers generall, pleasant tables, with many compendious rules, easie to be had in memorie, manifold wayes profitable to all men of vnderstanding / A contemplation of mysteries contayning the rare effectes and significations of certayne comets, and a briefe rehersall of sundrie hystoricall examples, as well diuine, as prophane, verie fruitfull to be reade in this our age: with matter delectable both for the sayler, and husbandman, yea and all traueylers by sea and lande, in knowing aforehande, howe daungerous a tempest will succeede by the sight of the clowd coming ouer the head, and other matters fruitful to be read as shal appere in the table next after the preface / A goodly gallerye with a most pleasaunt prospect, into the garden of naturall contemplation, to behold the naturall causes of all kynde of meteors, as wel fyery and ayery, as watry and earthly, of whiche sort be blasing sterres, shooting starres, flames in the ayre &c. tho[n]der, lightning, earthquakes, &c. rayne dewe, snowe, cloudes, springes &c. stones, metalles, earthes &c. to the glory of God, and the profit of his creaturs. |
3 |
QC859 .L8 1786 | Idées sur la météorologie / | 1 |
QC859 .L85 1772 | Recherches sur les modifications de l'atmosphère : contenant l'histoire critique du barometre et du thermometre, un traité sur la construction de ces instrumens, des expériences relatives à leurs usages, et principalement à la mesure des hauteurs et à la correction des réfractions moyennes / | 1 |
QC859 .M37 1711 | Meteorologia parallela : das ist, courieuse Nachrichten von dem Wetter und den mit selbigem gantz verwunderlich correspondirenden sogenannten Wetter-Bläsern : vom Anfang dess Herbsts A. 1710. biss auf den Frühling dieses jetzt lauffenden 1711. Jahrs : auss den in Ulm gehabten alltäglichen Observationius zusammen getragen und dem Druck überlassen. | 1 |
QC859 .M4 1738 | Sylloge Mapparvm Meteorologicarum : aliquot abhinc annis seorsim editarum, in commodiorem eorum vsum facts / | 1 |
QC859 .P45 2011eb | On Aristotle Meteorology 1.1-3 / | 1 |
QC859 .P452 2012 | On Aristotle Meteorology 1.4-9, 12 / | 1 |
QC859 .R37 1698 | Meteorologia philosophico-politica, in duodecim dissertationes per quæstiones meteorologicas & conclusiones politicas divisa, appositisque symbolis illustrata. : Honori Augusti Romanorum Regis Josephi I. inscripta ab illustrissimo Domino Joanne Bernardo Cælestino, Sac. Rom. Imp. Comite à Rŏdern ... Præside Francisco Reinzer. | 1 |