Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC903 .H69 2019 Resilience to climate change : communication, collaboration and co-production / 1
QC903 .H84 2014 Can science fix climate change? : a case against climate engineering / 1
QC903 .H84x 2014 Can Science Fix Climate Change : a Case Against Climate Engineering. 1
QC903 .H85 2013eb Exploring climate change through science and in society : an anthology of Mike Hulme's essays, interviews and speeches / 1
QC903 .H86 2022 Humanitarian logistics in the disaster risk reduction perspective : theory and applications / 1
QC903 I448 2016eb Impacts of climate change on allergens and allergic diseases / 2
QC903 .I47 2010 Impact of climate change on natural resource management 1
QC903 .I475 2016eb Climate change : a wicked problem : complexity and uncertainty at the intersection of science, economics, politics and human behavior / 1
QC903 .I4785 2018eb Institutional capacity for climate change response : a new approach to climate politics / 1
QC903 .I485 2010 Interdisciplinarity and climate change : transforming knowledge and practice for our global future / 1
QC903 .I485 2010eb Interdisciplinarity and climate change : transforming knowledge and practice for our global future / 1
QC903 .I4916 2012eb online Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaption / 2
QC903 .I4919 2012 Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaption / 1
QC903 .I492 2022 Climate change 2022 : mitigation of climate change : Working Group III Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / 1
QC903 .I5 2011 In extremis disruptive events and trends in climate and hydrology / 1
QC903 .I55 2010i The international politics of climate change 1
QC903 .I573 2013 International climate finance / 1
QC903.I58 2008eb Interaction between climate change, air pollution and related impacts. 1
QC903 .I58 2022 Climate change and land : an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems / 1
QC903 .I58 2022eb Impact of climate change on hydrological cycle, ecosystem, fisheries and food security / 1