Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC903.2.N77 North Sea Region climate change assessment / 1
QC903.2.O3 B37 2010eb Climate change and small island states : power, knowledge, and the South Pacific / 2
QC903.2.O3 C551 2012eb Climate change and Pacific islands : indicators and impacts : report for the 2012 Pacific Islands Regional Climate Assessment (PIRCA) / 1
QC903.2.O3 P33 2018 Pacific climate cultures : living climate change in Oceania / 1
QC903.2.P16 Pacific voices and climate change /
Combatting climate change in the Pacific : the role of regional organizations /
Governments' responses to climate change : selected examples from Asia-Pacific /
Managing climate change adaptation in the Pacific Region
QC903.2.P18 Climate Change Profile of Pakistan / 1
QC903.2.P18 Y82 2013 The Indus Basin of Pakistan : the impacts of climate risks on water and agriculture / 2
QC903.2.P6 Ecological liberation theology : faith-based approaches to poverty and climate change in the Philippines /
Climate emergency in the Philippines : impacts and imperatives for urgent policy action /
QC903.2.P65 Implications and consequences of anthropogenic pollution in Polar environments / 1
QC903.2.P7 Climate change in Poland past, present, future / 1
QC903.2.P7 P655 2010 The Polish climate in the European context an historical overview / 1
QC903.2.P73 B37 2018 Polar environments and global change / 1
QC903.2.P73 B37 2019 Polar environments and global change / 1
QC903.2.P73 C55 2023 Climate change and geodynamics in Polar regions / 1
QC903.2.P73 F37 2012 Far field : digital culture, climate change, and the Poles / 1
QC903.2.P73 T87 2011 Climate change in the polar regions / 1
QC903.2.P73 T87 2011eb Climate change in the polar regions / 2
QC903.2.R4 C73 2019 Exploring the interaction between climate change and organizational outcomes : retrospective time series forecasting / 1
QC903.2.R54 H69 2009 How the West was warmed : responding to climate change in the Rockies /
How the West Was Warmed : Responding to Climate Change in the Rockies.
QC903.2.R6 H69 2009 How the West was warmed : responding to climate change in the Rockies / 1