Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC903.2.S64 South Asia and climate change unravelling the conundrum /
Climate change : alternate governance policy for South Asia /
Environmental change in South Asia : essays in honor of Mohammed Taher /
QC903.2.S64 .A364 2014 Assessing the costs of climate change and adaptation in South Asia / 1
QC903.2.S64 C55 2019 Climate Change Governance and Adaptation : Case Studies from South Asia / 1
QC903.2.S64 M35 2020 Climate change in South Asia : politics, policies and the SAARC / 1
QC903.2.S64 M36 2018 South Asia's Hotspots : the Impact of Temperature and Precipitation Changes on Living Standards. 2
QC903.2.S64 Q38 2021 Quaternary climate change over the Indian Subcontinent / 1
QC903.2.S644 S66 2021 Climate change in Southeast Asia and surrounding areas / 1
QC903.2.S645 Nature-based solutions for building resilience in towns and cities : case studies from the Greater Mekong Subregion.
Climate change adaptation in Southeast Asia /
Climate Change, Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods in Developing Countries.
QC903.2.S645 A33 2016 Adaptation to climate change : ASEAN and comparative experiences / 1
QC903.2.S645 C55 2011eb Climate change in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands / 1
QC903.2.S645 G68 2022 Governing climate change in Southeast Asia : critical perspectives / 1
QC903.2.S645 H86 2013 Human security and climate change in Southeast Asia : managing risk and resilience /
Human Security and Climate Change in Southeast Asia : Managing Risk and Resilience.
QC903.2.S646 D455 2015eb Inequality and climate change : perspectives from the south = Inégalité et changement climatique : perspectives du sud / 1
QC903.2.S7eb El cambio climático en España : análisis técnico-jurídico y perspectivas / 1
QC903.2.S86 C55 2015 Climate Change Adaptation and Social Resilience in the Sundarbans /
Climate Change Adaptation and Social Resilience in the Sundarbans.
QC903.2.S94 H85 2015eb Discourses of global climate change : apocalyptic framing and political antagonisms / 2
QC903.2.T34 Climate change and coastal resources in Tanzania : studies on socio-ecological systems' vulnerability, resilience and governance / 1
QC903.2.T34 C56 2020 Climate change impacts and sustainability : ecosystems of Tanzania / 1
QC903.2.T87 W44 2011 The Climate of Rebellion in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire.
The Climate of Rebellion in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire /
QC903.2.T87 W44 2011eb The climate of rebellion in the early modern Ottoman Empire / 1