Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC943.5.Z55 Cyclones in Southern Africa. 1
QC944 Hurricanes and climate change.
Hurricane Monitoring With Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
Physics and future of hurricanes /
Hurricane risk in a changing climate
Hurricane risk /
QC944 .C93 2009 Cyclones : background, history and impact / 1
QC944 .D39 2000 Inside the hurricane : face to face with nature's deadliest storms / 2
QC944 .D43 2005 The storm / 1
QC944 .E43 2005 Divine wind : the history and science of hurricanes / 2
QC944 .E47 2013 Hurricane climatology : a modern statistical guide using R / 1
QC944 .F57 1994 The scariest place on Earth : eye to eye with hurricanes / 2
QC944 .F58 1999 Natural disasters : hurricanes : a reference handbook / 1
QC944 .F58 1999eb Natural disasters, hurricanes : a reference handbook / 1
QC944 .F58 2005  
QC944 .F58 2006 Hurricanes : a reference handbook / 1
QC944.G7 F84 A Full and certain account of the last great wind & storms being a narrative of the several accidents, hurts and damages caused thereby, both by sea and land, at home and abroad / 2
QC944 .H8 1994 Hurricanes / 1
QC944 .H87 2010 Hurricanes and climate change. 1
QC944 .H87753364 2006 The Storm that drowned a city 1
QC944 .H87753364 2006 DVD The Storm that drowned a city 1
QC944 .H92 2004 Hurricanes and typhoons : past, present, and future / 1
QC944 .L45 1994 Hurricanes of 1992 : lessons learned and implications for the future : proceedings of a symposium organized by the American Society of Civil Engineers, December 1-3, 1993, Hyatt Regency Miami City Center at Riverwalk / 1
QC944 .L66 1998 Encyclopedia of hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones /
Encyclopedia of hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones /