Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC981.8.G56 S553 2008 Unstoppable global warming : every 1,500 years / 1
QC981.8.G56 S63 1998 A small price to pay : US action to curb global warming is feasible and affordable / 1
QC981.8.G56 S66 2008 Climate code red : the case for emergency action / 2
QC981.8.G56 S67 2008 Climate code red : the case for emergency action / 1
QC981.8.G56 S94 2016 Climate diplomacy from Rio to Paris : the effort to contain global warming / 1
QC981.8.G56 .S944 2016eb Climate Diplomacy from Rio to Paris : the Effort to Contain Global Warming. 2
QC981.8.G56 T39 2014eb Global warming and climate change : what Australia knew and buried ... then framed a new reality for the public / 3
QC981.8.G56 T54 2008 Kyoto2 : how to manage the global greenhouse / 1
QC981.8.G56 T56 2016 DVD Time to choose / 1
QC981.8.G56 T73 1993 Transport policy and global warming / 1
QC981.8.G56 T73 2006 How the world will change with global warming / 1
QC981.8.G56 T83 1992 Trends '91 : a compendium of data on global change : highlights / 1
QC981.8.G56 T87 2012 Turn down the heat : why a 4°C warmer world must be avoided / 1
QC981.8.G56 U55 1993i Climate change action plan 1
QC981.8.G56 U57 2008d  
QC981.8.G56 V53 2001 The collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the struggle to slow global warming / 1
QC981.8.G56 W35 2008 The hot topic : what we can do about global warming / 3
QC981.8.G56 W37 2007 Global warming and the future of the earth 1
QC981.8.G56 W37 2018 Washed away / 1
QC981.8.G56 W373 2015 What really causes global warming? : greenhouse gases or ozone depletion? / 1