Call Number (LC) Title Results
QD13 .J65 2013 Histoire de l'alchimie / 1
QD13 .L54 1970 The origins of alchemy in Graeco-Roman Egypt /
The origins of alchemy in Graeco-Roman Egypt.
QD13 .M28 2006 Alchemy & Alchemists. 1
QD13 .M39 2008 The chemical choir / 1
QD13 .M39 2008eb The chemical choir / 1
QD13 .M67 2007 Modern alchemy : occultism and the emergence of atomic theory / 1
QD13 .N86 2007 Alchemy and authority in the Holy Roman Empire / 1
QD13 .P75 2013eb The secrets of alchemy / 2
QD13 .R38 1937 Prelude to chemistry : an outline of alchemy, its literature and relationships / 1
QD13 .R38 1966 Prelude to chemistry : an outline of alchemy, its literature and relationships. 1
QD13 .R4 1969 Alchemy, ancient and modern : a brief account of the alchemistic doctrines, their relations to mysticism and to recent discoveries in physical science, and some particulars regarding the lives of the most noted alchemists / 1
QD13 .R4 1973a Alchemy, ancient and modern : being a brief account of the alchemistic doctrines, and their relations, to mysticism on the one hand, and to recent discoveries in physical science on the other hand; together with some particulars regarding the lives and teachings of the most noted alchemists. / 1
QD13 .R63 1994 The mirror of alchemy : alchemical ideas and images in manuscripts and books : from antiquity to the seventeenth century / 1
QD13 S469 2003eb De la alquimia a la química. 1
QD13 .S52 1968 Chinese alchemy: preliminary studies / 1
QD13 .T28 The alchemists : founders of modern chemistry / 1
QD13 .T28 1958 The alchemists : founders of modern chemistry. 1
QD13 .W504 New platonism and alchemy a sketch of the doctrines and principal teachers of the eclectic or Alexandrian school; also an outline of the interior doctrines of the alchemists of the Middle Ages. 1
QD13 Z5524.A35 Chinese alchemy : an annotated bibliography of works in Western languages / 1
QD14 .B4 1889a Introduction à l'étude de la chimie, des anciens et du moyen àge / 1