Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QD156 .S9 |
Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry. Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic, metal-organic, and nano-metal chemistry. |
2 |
QD156 .W37 2011 |
Synthesis, properties, and mineralogy of important inorganic materials / Synthesis, Properties and Mineralogy of Important Inorganic Materials. Synthesis, properties, and mineralogy of important inorganic materials |
3 |
QD157 .M67 | Le four électrique / | 1 |
QD157 .M7 | The electric furnace / | 1 |
QD161 .J58 | Introductory descriptive chemistry : selected nonmetals, their properties, and behavior / | 1 |
QD161 .J6 | The chemistry of the non-metals / | 1 |
QD161 .P74 1974 | The chemistry of the non-metals | 1 |
QD161 .S52 1966 | Chemistry of the non-metallic elements | 1 |
QD161 .S7313 |
Chemistry of the non-metals : with an introduction to atomic structure and chemical bonding / Chemistry of the non-metals with an introduction to atomic structure and chemical bonding / |
2 |
QD161 .W66 1988 | Non-metal rings, cages, and clusters / | 1 |
QD161 .Y6 | Systematic inorganic chemistry of the fifth-and-sixth-group nonmetallic elements / | 1 |
QD162 |
Atomic emission spectra of neutral noble gases in the infrared spectral range The Noble Gases as Geochemical Tracers. Noble gas chemistry : structure, bonding, and gas-phase chemistry / |
3 |
QD162 .A8 | The noble gases. | 1 |
QD162 .C4 | The Chemistry of the monatomic gases | 1 |
QD162 .C56 | The noble gases / | 1 |
QD162 .C6 | Argon, helium, and the rare gases : the elements of the helium group. | 1 |
QD162 .D45 1988 | Gas-phase chemical physics database / | 1 |
QD162 .F57 2010eb | Much ado about (practically) nothing : a history of the noble gases / | 1 |
QD162 .H6 | Noble-gas chemistry / | 1 |
QD162 .H9 | Noble-gas compounds. | 1 |