Call Number (LC) Title Results
QD245 .P7 Progress in organic chemistry. 1
QD245 .S8 Substances naturelles de synthèse : préparations et méthodes de laboratoire / 1
QD245 .T4 Techniques and methods of organic and organometallic chemistry. 1
QD245 .T6 Perspectives in organic chemistry. 1
QD246 Dictionary of organic compounds
Dictionary organic compounds.
QD246 .D5 1982 Dictionary of organic compounds. 1
QD246 .D5 1982 Suppl Dictionary of organic compounds. 1
QD246 .D5 1996 Dictionary of organic compounds. 1
QD246 .F33 2004 The Facts on File dictionary of organic chemistry / 2
QD247 .P492 Fractions lipschitziennes d'une algebre analytique complexe et saturation de Zariski / 1
QD248 From atoms to molecules : studies in the history of chemistry from the 19th century /
Addition, elimination and substitution Markovnikov, Hofmann, Zaitsev and Walden : discovery and development /
QD248 .D4 In the realm of carbon : the story of organic chemistry / 1
QD248 .E87 1987 Essays on the history of organic chemistry / 1
QD248 .F76 2010 From atoms to molecules : studies in the history of chemistry from the 19th century / 1
QD248 .G7 1972 Geschichte der organischen Chemie. 1
QD248 .H52 Geschichte der organischen Chemie von ältester Zeit bis zur Gegenwart 1
QD248 .R63 2010 Image and reality : Kekulé, Kopp, and the scientific imagination / 1
QD248 .R63 2010eb Image and reality : Kekulé, Kopp, and the scientific imagination /
Image and reality : Kekulé, Kopp, and the scientific imagination /
QD248 .S35 1894 The rise and development of organic chemistry / 1
QD248 .W34 1972 Geschichte der organischen Chemie seit 1880. 1