Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QD251.2 .S76 1992 | Introduction to organic chemistry. | 1 |
QD251.2 .W33 1999 | Organic chemistry / | 1 |
QD251.2 ebook |
Análisis químico aplicado : teoría y práctica / Respuestas a los problemas de química orgánica / Química organica. Manual de química orgánica / Química orgánica : estructura y reactividad. Modelo didáctico y estación de trabajo con instrumentación electrónica para el desarrollo de laboratorios de Física Mecánica / Química orgánica : estructura y reactividad. |
8 |
QD251.3 |
Prácticas de Química Orgánica Basic organic chemistry for the life sciences / A foundation course for college organic chemistry / Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products. Organic chemistry : miracles from plants / The art of problem solving in organic chemistry / Advanced organic chemistry : reactions and mechanisms / Introducción a la química orgánica. Outstanding marine molecules : chemistry, biology, analysis / Organic Chemistry : Structure, Mechanism, and Synthesis. Introductory organic chemistry and hydrocarbons : a physical chemistry approach. Modern electrosynthetic methods in organic chemistry / Green solvents for organic synthesis / Advanced organic chemistry. Organic reactions and their mechanisms / Organic chemistry : structure, mechanism, synthesis / Principles of organic chemistry / Organic chemistry : structure, function, and practice / The chemistry of ynamides : development, syntheses, and applications in organic synthesis / Catalyzed Carbon-Heteroatom Bond Formation. Organic redox chemistry : chemical, photochemical and electrochemcal syntheses / Reactivity and mechanism in organic chemistry / Química orgánica básica y aplicada : de la molécula a la industria. Advanced functional polymers for biomedical applications / |
29 |
QD251.3 .A35 2011eb |
Organo main group chemistry / Organo main group chemistry |
3 |
QD251.3 .C36 2006 | Carbon-rich compounds : from molecules to materials / | 1 |
QD251.3 .C367 2007eb | Advanced organic chemistry. | 1 |
QD251.3 .C37 1984 | Advanced organic chemistry. | 1 |
QD251.3 .C67 2004eb | Direct and indirect human contributions to terrestrial carbon fluxes : a workshop summary / | 1 |
QD251.3 .D35 2011eb | Foundations of organic chemistry : unity and diversity of structures, pathways, and reactions / | 1 |
QD251.3 .E43 2014eb | Electronic effects in organic chemistry / | 1 |
QD251.3 .F67 v.92 | Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products. | 1 |
QD251.3 F67 v.93 | Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe. Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products. | 1 |
QD251.3 .F69 2004 | Organic chemistry / | 1 |
QD251.3 .G74 2003 | Organic chemistry principles and industrial practice / | 1 |
QD251.3 .G76 2007eb | Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe. Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products. 88 / | 1 |
QD251.3 .H33 2023 | Basic chemistry for life science students and professionals : introduction to organic compounds and drug molecules / | 1 |
QD251.3 .H43 2020 | Organic chemistry : concepts and applications / | 1 |
QD251.3 .H86 1970eb | Preparative organic chemistry | 1 |
QD251.3 K72 2008eb | Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe. Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products / | 1 |