Call Number (LC) Title Results
QD412.G5 O74 1985 Organometallic compounds of germanium, tin, and lead / 1
QD412.H5 Organometallic chemistry of titanium, zirconium, and hafnium 1
QD412.H6 J4 Electrophilic substitution of organomercurials / 1
QD412.H6 M38 2011eb Methylmercury : formation, sources, and health effects / 1
QD412.I5 W45 1991 Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie / 1
QD412.L5 C57 2002 Organolithiums : selectivity for synthesis / 1
QD412.L5 C57 2002eb Organolithiums selectivity for synthesis / 1
QD412.L5 O74 2003 Organolithiums in enantioselective synthesis / 2
QD412.L5 S74 2010 Stereochemical aspects of organolithium compounds 1
QD412.L5 W339 1988 Organolithium methods / 1
QD412.L5 W34 1974 The chemistry of organolithium compounds / 2
QD412.M4 G75 2000 Grignard reagents : new developments / 1
QD412.M4 H26 1996 Handbook of Grignard reagents
Handbook of Grignard reagents /
QD412.M4 I55 Handbook of magnesium-organic compounds 1
QD412.M4 I6 1956a Handbook of magnesium-organic compounds / 1
QD412.M4 R4 The reaction between organic magnesium compounds and unsaturated compounds containing alkoxyl groups / 1
QD412.M4 W35 1995 Organomagnesium methods in organic synthesis / 1
QD412.M4 W35 1995eb Organomagnesium methods in organic synthesis 1
QD412.M7 Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. 1
QD412.N1 B7 1965 The Kjeldahl method for organic nitrogen
The Kjeldahl method for organic nitrogen /