Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QD42 .B793 | Critical readings in chemistry / | 1 |
QD42 .C745 | Computer programs for chemistry. | 1 |
QD42 .C75 | New type questions in chemistry / | 1 |
QD42 .E36 | The why of chemistry problems. | 1 |
QD42 .F59 2011 | Student solutions manual : General, organic, and biological chemistry : an integrated approach, third edition, Kenneth W. Raymond / | 1 |
QD42 .M33 1982 | Study guide to accompany Basics for chemistry, David A. Ucko | 1 |
QD42 .M55 2009eb | AP chemistry for dummies / | 1 |
QD42 .M65 2008eb | AP chemistry : 2008-2009 / | 1 |
QD42 .O27 | Solving problems in chemistry : with emphasis on stoichiometry and equilibrium and applications in biological and medical sciences, engineering and economics, and environmental sciences / | 2 |
QD42 .O75 2009 |
Chemistry in quantitative language : fundamentals of general chemistry calculations / Chemistry in quantitive language;fundamentals of general chemistry calculations. |
2 |
QD42 .O75 2021 | Chemistry in quantitative language : fundamentals of general chemistry calculations / | 1 |
QD42 .P44 |
Digital computers in scientific instrumentation : applications to chemistry / Digital computers in scientific instrumentation: applications to chemistry |
2 |
QD42 .R36 | Chemie für Mediziner; Übungsfragen / | 1 |
QD42 .R67 2007eb | Schaum's outline of theory and problems of college chemistry / | 1 |
QD42 .S53 1997 | Quantum mechanics in chemistry / | 1 |
QD42 .S774 2012eb | Souhrnné texty z chemie : pro přípravu k přijímacím zkoušám (přírodovědné obory, lékařství). | 1 |
QD42 .V37 | Chemistry calculations: with a focus on algebraic principles. | 1 |
QD42 .Y6 | Chemical concepts : [a self-instructional programed manual] | 1 |
QD42 ebook |
La química en problemas / Química en ejercicios Química aplicada Olimpiada y miniolimpiada de química de Cantabria 2020 : enunciados y resolución / Iniciación a la química / Resolución de problemas de química general / Problemas de química / |
9 |
QD43 |
30-minute chemistry projects / Lernen mit Modellexperimenten : empirische Untersuchung der Wahrnehmung und des Denkens in Analogien beim Umgang mit Modellexperimenten / |
2 |