Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QD461 .C652 2005eb | Multiple bonds between metal atoms | 1 |
QD461 .C654 1982 | Multiple bonds between metal atoms / | 1 |
QD461 .C654 1993 | Multiple bonds between metal atoms / | 1 |
QD461 .C654 2005 | Multiple bonds between metal atoms / | 1 |
QD461 .C655 2012eb |
Every molecule tells a story Every molecule tells a story / |
3 |
QD461 .C66 | Dictionary of pi-electron calculations. | 1 |
QD461 .C66 1973eb | Coordinative interactions | 1 |
QD461 .C66 2005eb | Controlling the quantum world of atoms, molecules, and photons : an interim report / | 1 |
QD461 .C663 | Hückel theory for organic chemists / | 1 |
QD461 .C667 2017 | Complex Molecular Surfaces and Interfaces : Sheffield, UK, 24-26 July 2017. | 1 |
QD461 .C67 | The shape and structure of molecules / | 1 |
QD461 .C96 1982x | Two-dimensional Hückel molecular orbital theory / | 1 |
QD461 .C97 1982x | Two-dimensional Hückel molecular orbital theory applied to tolane / | 1 |
QD461 .D235 1850 | An introduction to the atomic theory / | 1 |
QD461 .D2413 1993 | The realm of molecules / | 2 |
QD461 .D25 | Les fondements de la chimie théorique : mécanique ondulatiore appliquée à l'étude des atomes et des molécules / | 1 |
QD461 .D2513 1968 | The fundamentals of theoretical chemistry : wave mechanics applied to the study of atoms and molecules. | 1 |
QD461 .D26 | Structure électronique des molécules : molécules diatomiques, petites molécules, hydrocarbures saturés, molécules conjuguées, molécules d'intérêt biochimique. | 1 |
QD461 .D2613 1966 |
Electronic structure of molecules diatomic molecules, small molecules, saturated hydrocarbons, conjugated molecules, molecules of biochemical interest. Electronic structure of molecules : diatomic molecules, small molecules, saturated hydrocarbons, conjugated molecules, molecules of biochemical interest. |
2 |
QD461 .D27 1965 | Some electrical and optical aspects of molecular behaviour | 1 |