Call Number (LC) Title Results
QD503 .S54 1964 Suppl Stability constants of metal-ion complexes : supplement. 1
QD503 .S65 1989 Critical stability constants 1
QD503 .S68 2015c Thermodynamic modeling of solid phases / 1
QD503 .S68 2015eb Phase transformations / 1
QD503 .S749 1997 Phase equilibria and other physicochemical aspects of interest for enzymatic reactions in near-critical carbon dioxide / 1
QD503 .T63 2005 Phase transformations of elements under high pressure / 1
QD503 T63 2005eb Phase transformations of elements under high pressure 1
QD503 .T6813 1992 High pressure phase transformations : a handboook / 1
QD503 .W57 Liquid-liquid equilibrium and extraction : a literature source book / 1
QD503 .W575 Phase diagrams : a literature source book / 1
QD503 .W575 1981 Suppl. Phase diagrams : a literature source book. 1
QD503 .Y68 1991 Phase diagrams of the elements / 1
QD503 .Z43 1996 The theory and calculation of P-T-Xi multicomponent phase diagrams : the application of the phase rule / 1
QD503 .Z43 2010 The boundary theory of phase diagrams and its application rules for phase diagram construction with phase regions and their boundaries / 1
QD503 .Z45 1960 An analytical investigation of three general methods of calculating chemical-equilibrium compositions / 1
QD503 QD503.S265 1998 QD503 .S265 1998 CALPHAD (Calculation of Phase Diagrams) : a Comprehensive Guide. 1
QD504 Phase modeling tools : applications to gases /
Complex heterogeneous systems : thermodynamics, information theory, composites, networks, and electrochemistry /
The thermodynamics of linear fluids and fluid mixtures /
Modern thermodynamics for chemists and biochemists /
Chemical thermodynamics in materials science : from basics to practical applications /
Experimental thermodynamics.
Thermodynamics problem solving in physical chemistry : study guide and map /
Concise chemical thermodynamics /
Thermodynamic properties of nonelectrolyte solutions
Physical chemistry thermodynamics /
The essentials of thermodynamics /
Advances in chemical engineering.
Gibbs energy and Helmholtz energy : liquids, solutions and vapours /
Convection with local thermal non-equilibrium and microfluidic effects /
QD504 .A43 1981 AICHEMI modular instruction : series D, thermodynamics. 1
QD504 .A88 1989 Thermodynamics : an advanced textbook for chemical engineers / 1
QD504 .A88 1989eb Thermodynamics : an advanced textbook for chemical engineers / 1