Call Number (LC) Title Results
QD911 .L64 Color and symmetry / 1
QD911 .L67 A treatise on crystallography / 1
QD911 .L68 2006 New geometries for new materials / 1
QD911 .L69 1999 Tensor properties of crystals / 1
QD911 .L71 Geometrische krystallographie / 1
QD911 .M335 Diffusion kinetics for atoms in crystals / 1
QD911 .M34 Theory of lattice dynamics in the harmonic approximation / 1
QD911 .M42 2005 Mechanics and mathematics of crystals : selected papers of J. L. Ericksen / 1
QD911 .M42 2005eb Mechanics and mathematics of crystals : selected papers of J.L. Ericksen / 1
QD911 .M44 1997 The mathematics of long-range aperiodic order : proceedings of the NATO advanced study institute held at the Fields Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, August 21-September 1, 1995 / 1
QD911 .M69 2007 Models of itinerant ordering in crystals : an introduction / 1
QD911 .N64 1984 The Non-characteristic orbits of the space groups / 1
QD911 .N67 1995 Crystal properties via group theory / 2
QD911 .O57 2005 Molecule-based materials : the structural network approach / 1
QD911 .O57 2005eb Molecule-based materials the structural network approach / 1
QD911 .P318 1987 Patterson and Pattersons : fifty years of the Patterson function : proceedings of a symposium held at the Institute for Cancer Research, the Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 13-15, 1984 / 1
QD911 .P32 Lecture notes on crystallography / 1
QD911 .P69 2010 Symmetry, group theory, and the physical properties of crystals 1
QD911 .P75 1994 Mathematical techniques in crystallography and materials science / 1
QD911 .P75 2004 Mathematical techniques in chrystallography [sic] and materials science / 1