Call Number (LC) Title Results
QD931 .K4 2000 Crystallography and crystal defects : A. Kelly, G.W. Groves, and P. Kidd. 1
QD931 .K4 2012 Crystallography and crystal defects / 1
QD931 .L28 Mathematical theory of dislocations and fracture / 1
QD931 .L3 Lattice defects and their interactions / 1
QD931 .L62p Physikalische Krystallographie / 1
QD931 .M18 F-centers in alkali halides / 1
QD931 .M2 Crystal physics of interaction processes / 1
QD931 .M45 1961 Direct observation of imperfections in crystals / 1
QD931 .M83 Crystal acoustics : introduction to the study of elastic waves and vibrations in crystals / 1
QD931 .N479 2005eb Properties of materials : anisotropy, symmetry, structure / 2
QD931 .N49 2005 Properties of materials : anisotropy, symmetry, structure / 1
QD931 .N9 Physical properties of crystals : their representation by tensors and matrices / 1
QD931 .N9 1957 Physical properties of crystals : their representation by tensors and matrices / 1
QD931 .N9 1960 Physical properties of crystals, their representation by tensors and matrices. 1
QD931 .N9 1985 Physical properties of crystals : their representation by tensors and matrices / 1
QD931 .P374 2009 Liquid crystals viscous and elastic properties / 1
QD931 .P7 Progress in crystal physics. 1
QD931 .R4 Dislocations in crystals. 1
QD931 .R4313 Impurity spectra of solids; elementary theory of vibrational structure
Impurity spectra of solids : elementary theory of vibrational structure /
QD931 .S36 1987 Etching of crystals theory, experiment, and application / 1