Call Number (LC) Title Results
QD96.A8 Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy : theory and applications /
Handbook of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy /
Atomic absorption spectroscopy : plenary lectures presented at the International Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Conference held at Sheffield, U.K., 14-18 July 1969 /
QD96.A8 A38 Advances in atomic spectroscopy. 1
QD96.A8 A39 2008 Internal photoemission spectroscopy : principles and applications / 1
QD96.A8 A39 2008eb Internal photoemission spectroscopy principles and applications / 1
QD96.A8 A4225 2018 Fundamentals of electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry : a look inside the fundamental processes in ETAAS / 1
QD96.A8 A43 1977 Flameless atomic absorption analysis : an update : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June, 1975. 1
QD96.A8 A65 1992 Applications of Zeeman graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry in the chemical laboratory and in toxicology /
Applications of Zeeman graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry in the chemical laboratory and in toxicology
QD96.A8 A86 1982 Atomic absorption spectrometry / 1
QD96.A8 A86 1982eb Atomic absorption spectrometry 1
QD96.A8 A86 1991 Atomic absorption spectrometry : theory, design and applications / 1
QD96.A8 A865 2004 Atomic spectroscopy in elemental analysis / 1
QD96.A8 B37 2009eb Basic chemometric techniques in atomic spectroscopy 2
QD96.A8 B37 2013 Basic chemometric techniques in atomic spectroscopy 1
QD96.A8 B37 2013eb Basic chemometric techniques in atomic spectroscopy / 1
QD96.A8 B73 2008 A practical approach to quantitative metal analysis of organic matrices / 1
QD96.A8 B73 2008eb A practical approach to quantitative metal analysis of organic matrices 1
QD96.A8 B74 1982  
QD96.A8 B76 2002 Analytical atomic spectrometry with flames and plasmas / 1
QD96.A8 B76 2005 Analytical atomic spectrometry with flames and plasmas / 1
QD96.A8 B87 1998 A practical guide to graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry / 1