Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE1 .G14616 Guide book / 1
QE1 .G1476 Evolution of the Western Interior Basin / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 1 Devonian faunas of western Canada / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 1-2,4-5 Devonian faunas of western Canada / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 2 Mississippian faunas of western Canada / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 3 The relationship of mineralization to Precambrian stratigraphy in certain mining areas of Ontario and Quebec. 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 4 Collected papers on geology of the Atlantic region / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 5 Age relations in high-grade metamorphic terrains / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 6 Structure of the southern Canadian Cordillera / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 7 Flysch sedimentology in North America / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 8 A comparative atlas of textures of Archean and younger volcanic rocks / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 9 Geoscience studies in Manitoba / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 10 New developments in Sudbury geology / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 11 Variations in tectonic styles in Canada / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 12 Huronian stratigraphy and sedimentation / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 13 The Cretaceous system in the western interior of North America : the proceedings of an international symposium organized by the Geological Association of Canada and held at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, May 23-26, 1973 / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 14 Metallogeny and plate tectonics / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 15 Conodont paleoecology : the proceedings of an international symposium organized by the Geological Association of Canada and the Pander Society and held at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, May 15-17, 1975 / 1
QE1 .G1476 no.15 Conodont paleoecology : the proceedings of an international symposium organized by the Geological Association of Canada and the Pander Society and held at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, May 15-17, 1975 / 1
QE1 .G1476 no. 16 Volcanic regimes in Canada : the proceedings of a symposium / 1