QE1 .G2175 no. 161
Proterozoic geology : selected papers from an International Proterozoic Symposium / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 162
The Caribbean-South American plate boundary and regional tectonics / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 163
The Miocene ocean : paleoceanography and biogeography / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 164
Blueschists and eclogites / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 165
Fossil Conchostraca of the Southern Hemisphere and continental drift : paleontology, biostratigraphy, and dispersal / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 166
Structural fabric in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from forearcs / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 167
Geology of the Henry Mountains, Utah, as recorded in the notebooks of G.K. Gilbert, 1875-76 / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 168
The cretaceous system of southern South America / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 169
Geology and paleontology of Seymour Island, Antarctic peninsula / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 170
Geology and paleontology of the Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 171
Interaction of the Rocky Mountain Foreland and the Cordilleran Thrust Belt / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 172
Geophysical framework of the continental United States / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 173
Glacial Lake Wisconsin / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 174
The nature and origin of Cordilleran magmatism / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 175
Mt. Pelée, Martinique : a study of an active island-arc volcano / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 176
Basin and range extensional tectonics near the latitude of Las Vegas, Nevada / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 177
Salt diapirs of the Great Kavir, central Iran / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 178
The San Andreas fault system : displacement, palinspastic reconstruction, and geologic evolution / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 179
Regional geology of eastern Idaho and western Wyoming / |
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QE1 .G2175 no. 180
Eustasy : the historical ups and downs of a major geological concept / |
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