Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE1 .G2175 no. 36 Geology of the Lake Titicaca region, Peru and Bolivia. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 37 Bibliography of fossil vertebrates, 1939-1943 / 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 38 Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy in southeastern Arizona. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 39 Sedimentary facies in geologic history : conference at meeting of the Geological Society of America held in New York, New York, November 11, 1948. Chester R. Longwell, chairman / 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 40 Revision of the families and genera of the Devonian tetracorals / 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 41 American Permian nautiloids / 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 42 Maquoketa Brachiopoda of Iowa. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 43 1940 E.W. Scripps cruise to the Gulf of California / 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 44 Faunal lists and descriptions of Paleozoic corals. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 45 Interpretation of ore textures. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 46 Ecology of Foraminifera, northwest Gulf of Mexico. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 47 Interpretation of aeromagnetic maps / 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 48 North American geosynclines. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 49 Geologic structure and orogenic history of Venezuela : text to accompany the author's Geologic tectonic map of Venezuela. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 50 Deformation, metamorphism, and mineralization in gypsum-anhydrite cap rock : Sulphur Salt Dome, Louisiana. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 51 Catalogue of the Cenozoic plants of North America through 1950. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 52 Selected petrogenic relationships of plagioclase / 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 53 Paleozoic and Mesozoic Arachnida of Europe. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 54 Biostratigraphy of the Maqfi section, Egypt. 1
QE1 .G2175 no. 55 Trilobites from the lower Champlainian formations of the Appalachian Valley. 1