Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE121 .M3 Report on the projected survey of the State of Maryland pursuant to a resolution of the General Assembly. 1
QE121 .M78 New interpretations of the eastern Piedmont geology of Maryland, or, Granite and gabbro or graywacke and greenstone / 1
QE121 .S36 1993 Maryland's geology / 1
QE122.K4 M56 Geology of the Betterton quadrangle, Kent County, Maryland, and a discussion of the regional stratigraphy / 1
QE122.M6 B76 1989 The industrial minerals and rodingite dikes of the Hunting Hill serpentinite mass, Montgomery County, Maryland Hunting Hill Quarry, Maryland, July 12, 1989 / 1
QE123 .A12 Report on the geology, mineralogy, botany, and zoology of Massachusetts 1
QE123 .A14 Report on a re-examination of the economical geology of Massachusetts 1
QE123 .A22eb Report on the geological map of Massachusetts, 1
QE123 .B44 1988 The Bedrock geology of Massachusetts / 1
QE123 .B44 1991 The Bedrock geology of Massachusetts / 1
QE123 .B671 1989 Boston to Buffalo, in the footsteps of Amos Eaton and Edward Hitchcock Boston, Massachusetts to Washington, D.C. June 28-July 8, 1989 / 1
QE123 .C6 1966 Economic geology in Massachusetts : proceedings / 1
QE123 .H5 Final report on the geology of Massachusetts 1
QE123 .M377 Coastal environments of northeastern Massachusetts and New Hampshire : field trip guidebook, May 9-11, 1969. 1
QE123 .N48 1967 Guidebook for field trips in the Connecticut Valley of Massachusetts : New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference 59th Annual Meeting, Amherst College-Mt. Holyoke College-Smith College-University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, October 13, 14, 15, 1967 : honoring Benjamin Kendall Emerson (1843-1932) / 1
QE123 .S54 2001 Roadside geology of Massachusetts / 1
QE124.B6 C7 Boston through the ages : the geological story of greater Boston / 1
QE124.B65 B65 Boring data from Greater Boston / 1
QE124.C3 O43 1992 Cape Cod and the islands : the geologic story / 1
QE124.C3 S78 A geologist's view of Cape Cod / 1