Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE185 .A42 no. 67-21 Middle Callovian sedimentary rocks and guide ammonites from southwestern British Columbia / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-22 Geology and tungsten deposits near the headwaters of Flat River, Yukon Territory and southwestern district of Mackenzie, Canada / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-24 Stratigraphic sections of Palaeozoic rocks on Prince of Wales and Somerset Island, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-25 Contributions to the age of the Gaspé sandstone and Gaspé limestone / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-26 Further considerations on certain statistical methods in palaeomagnetism / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-27 Stratigraphy of central and eastern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-28 An automatic 3-magnet or biastatic magnetometer / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-29 Stratigraphy and spore assemblages, Moncton map-area, New Brunswick / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-30 Conodont zonation, waterways formation (Upper Devonian), Northeastern and Central Alberta / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-31 Age and history of the uranium mineralization of the Beaverlodge area, Saskatchewan / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-33 Goose Bay map-area, Labrador / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-34 A computer program for factor analysis of geochemical and other data / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-35 Research in geochemical prospecting methods for native silver deposits, Cobalt Area, Ontario, 1966 / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-36 Lode mining potential of Yukon territory / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-37 Analysis of rocks and minerals by atomic absorption spectroscopy. 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-38 A Preliminary study of the Moose River Belt, Northern Ontario / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-39 Palaeomagnetic directions and a basic sill in Prince Edward Island [and] Preliminary data on the palaeomagnetism of the North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-40 The mineral industry of Yukon Territory and southwestern District of Mackenzie, 1966 / 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-41 Canadian upper mantle report, 1967 : a report on the work of scientific groups in Canada on projects contributing to the International Upper Mantle Project, prepared on the occasion of the XIVth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Zurich, Switzerland. 1
QE185 .A42 no. 67-42 Early Tertiary stratified rocks, Greenwood map-area, British Columbia / 1