Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE33.2.C48 F73 1993eb Fractals and chaos in the earth sciences / 1
QE33.2.C5 K78 2017 Drawing geological structures / 1
QE33.2.E43 A660 1985 Applications of electron microscopy in the earth sciences : a short course sponsored by the Mineralogical Association of Canada and held immediately prior to the 1985 annual meeting at the University of New Brunswick, Frederiction, New Brunswick, May 13th and 14th / 1
QE33.2 .E97 1992a European 'International Space Year' Conference 1992 : Munich, Germany, 30 March - 4 April 1992 : space in the service of the changing Earth / 1
QE33.2.F73 Fractals : Concepts and Applications in Geosciences / 1
QE33.2.F73 F675 2006 Fractal analysis for natural hazards / 1
QE33.2.F73 F68 1994 Fractals and dynamic systems in geoscience / 2
QE33.2.F73 F68 1994eb Fractals and dynamic systems in geoscience 1
QE33.2.F73 F72 1989 Fractals in geophysics 1
QE33.2.F73 F73 1995 Fractals in the earth sciences / 1
QE33.2.F73 F73 1995eb Fractals in the earth sciences / 1
QE33.2.F73 H57x 1994 Fractal landscapes : from the real world / 1
QE33.2.F73 K67 1992 Fractal models in the earth sciences / 1
QE33.2.H54 S73 2022 Static and dynamic high pressure mineral physics / 2
QE33.2.M3 Mathematics : a simple tool for geologists /
Fractals and Multifractals in the Geosciences
Linear algebra for earth scientists /
Spatiotemporal random fields : theory and applications /
Handbook of mathematical geosciences : fifty years of IAMG /
Data assimilation for the geosciences : from theory to application /
MATLABĀ® recipes for earth sciences /
Geomathematics : theoretical foundations, applications and future developments /
Spherical functions of mathematical geosciences : a scalar, vectorial, and tensorial setup /
Semi-Lagrangian Advection Methods and Their Applications in Geoscience
Models in Environmental Research /
Encyclopedia of methmatical geosciences /
Mathematics of planet Earth : Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences /
Irreversible Phenomena and Dynamical Systems Analysis in Geosciences
Exploratory potential methods in geothermal power generation : a survey on innovative gravimetry and magnetometry /
MATLABĀ® recipes for earth sciences
Computational challenges in the geosciences /
Mathematical geology and geoinformatics : proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Beijing, China, 4-14 August 1996 /
Handbook of geomathematics /
An invitation to geomathematics /
Principles of Mathematical Geology /
QE33.2.M3 A37 Geomathematics Mathematical background and geo-science applications / 1
QE33.2.M3 A375 2023 Applications of data assimilation and inverse problems in the Earth sciences / 2
QE33.2.M3 A93 2018 Mathematical geosciences : hybrid symbolic-numeric methods / 1
QE33.2.M3 A93 2023 Mathematical geosciences : hybrid symbolic-numeric methods / 1
QE33.2.M3 B39 1985 Pattern recognition problems in geology and paleontology / 1