Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QE349.S64 G46 1986 | Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs--central and western Solomon Islands / | 1 |
QE350 .A4 | Algunas observaciones geológicas y criopedológicas en la Antártida. | 1 |
QE350 .A49 1999 |
Antarctic marine geology / Antarctic Marine Geology / |
2 |
QE350 .A57 1983 | Antarctic earth science / | 1 |
QE350 .A58 1995 | Scientific results from the Antarctic Walk Environmental Research Expedition 1991-1993 / | 1 |
QE350 .B47 2002 | Science into policy : global lessons from Antarctica / | 1 |
QE350 .B85 | Algunas observaciones geológicas y criopedológicas en la Antártida. | 1 |
QE350 .C35 | Géologie de l'Antarctique. | 1 |
QE350 .C65 | El conocimiento geológico de la Antártida / | 1 |
QE350 .D79 | Dry valley drilling project / | 1 |
QE350 .F38 2010 | The transantarctic mountains rocks, ice, meteorites and water / | 1 |
QE350 .F6 | Estudio geológico-petrográfico de Caleta Potter, Isla 25 de Mayo, Islas Shetland del Sur. | 1 |
QE350 .G44 1986 | Geological investigations in northern Victoria land / | 1 |
QE350 .G45 1988 | Geology and paleontology of Seymour Island, Antarctic peninsula / | 1 |
QE350 .G453 1995 | Geology and seismic stratigraphy of the Antarctic margin / | 1 |
QE350 .G4533 1997 | Geology and seismic stratigraphy of the Antarctic margin, 2 | 1 |
QE350 .G454 1997 | Geology and seismic stratigraphy of the Antarctic margin, 2 / | 1 |
QE350 .G456 1991 | The Geology of Antarctica / | 1 |
QE350 .G46 paper 12-13 | Glacial events in the Transantarctic Mountains : a record of the east Antarctic ice sheet / | 1 |
QE350 .G46 papers 1 | Basement geology of the Beardmore Glacier region / | 1 |