Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE364.2.H4 S7 Stability of heavy minerals : with 42 tab. in the text. 1
QE364.2.H54 A38 2005 Advances in high-pressure technology for geophysical applications / 1
QE364.2.H54 A38 2005eb Advances in high-pressure technology for geophysical applications
Advances in High-Pressure Techniques for Geophysical Applications.
QE364.2.H54 A38 2007 Advances in high-pressure mineralogy / 1
QE364.2.H54 H54 1992 High-pressure research : application to earth and planetary sciences /
High-pressure research application to earth and planetary sciences /
QE364.2.H54 P67 1998 Properties of earth and planetary materials at high pressure and temperature
Properties of earth and planetary materials at high pressure and temperature /
QE364.2.H54 U38 1998 Ultrahigh-pressure mineralogy : physics and chemistry of the earth's deep interior / 1
QE364.2.M37 Main tectonic events and metallogeny of the North China Craton /
Metallogenic mechanism of the Galinge Polymetallic Iron Skarn Deposit, Qiman Tagh Mountains, Qinghai Province /
Intraplate magmatism and metallogeny of North Vietnam /
QE364.2.M37 M56 2012 Mineral deposits and metallogeny of Fennoscandia / 1
QE364.2.M4 H37 Magnesia metasomatism at Hirvas, Northern Finland / 1
QE364.2.M4 H37 2013 Metasomatism and the chemical transformation of rock the role of fluids in terrestrial and extraterrestrial processes / 1
QE364.2.M4 M36 1987 Mantle metasomatism / 1
QE364.2.M4 N38 1985 Chemical transport in metasomatic processes / 1
QE364.2.S87 Physics and chemistry of mineral surfaces / 1
QE364.2.S87 P48 1996 Physics and chemistry of mineral surfaces / 1
QE364.2.T45 C4613 2005 Thermodynamics in mineral sciences : an introduction / 1
QE364.2.T45 C4613 2005eb Thermodynamics in mineral sciences an introduction / 1
QE364.2.T45 C49 1990 Applied mineralogical thermodynamics : selected topics / 1
QE365 .C504 1816 Elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology being an introduction to the study of these sciences, and designed for the use of pupils,--for persons attending lectures on these subjects,--and as a companion for travellers in the United States of America. Illustrated by six plates / 1
QE365 .D16 1895 Minerals, and how to study them. : A book for beginners in mineralogy / 1