Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE389.5 CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe Oxides Chemical System Description and Applications.
Pyrochlore ceramics : properties, processing, and applications /
QE389.5 .O95 1976b Oxide minerals / 1
QE389.5 .T353 2014eb Functional cobalt oxides : fundamentals, properties and applications / 2
QE389.5 .T48 2004 Thermodynamic data, models, and phase diagrams in multicomponent oxide systems : an assessment for materials and planetary scientists based on calorimetric, volumetric, and phase equilibrium data / 1
QE389.5 .V34 Bauxites
QE389.61 Infrared Transmission Spectra of Carbonate Minerals /
Volcanic reservoirs in petroleum exploration /
QE389.61 .A38 2012eb Advances in carbonate exploration and reservoir analysis 1
QE389.61 .C37 1993 Carbonate microfabrics / 1
QE389.61 .D46 Depositional environments in carbonate rocks : a symposium / 1
QE389.61 .E8 Essai de caractérisation sédimentologique des dépôts carbonates = An attempt at sedimentological characterisation of carbonate deposits. 1
QE389.61 .H3 Classification of carbonate rocks : a symposium : arranged by the Research Committee of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Including papers presented orally under joint auspices of the Association and the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, at Denver, Colorado, April 27, 1961 / 1
QE389.61 .H4 The geology of carbonatites / 1
QE389.61 .J66 1993 Infrared transmission spectra of carbonate minerals / 1
QE389.61 .K2713 1980 Mineralogy of carbonatites / 1
QE389.61 .L56 Sedimentary carbonate minerals
Sedimentary carbonate minerals /
QE389.61 .M62 1986 Modern carbonates 1
QE389.61 .S85 Dolomitization and limestone diagenesis : a symposium / 1
QE389.61 .T8 Carbonatites / 1
QE389.62 Silicate glasses and melts / 1
QE389.62 .A5 Layer silicates / 1