Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE501.4.N9 H363 2004 Handbook of stable isotope analytical techniques 1
QE501.4.N9 I893 2022  
QE501.4.N9 J646 2018 Geochemistry of Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes. 1
QE501.4.N9 L42 Lectures in isotope geology / 1
QE501.4.N9 N66 2017 Non-traditional stable isotopes / 1
QE501.4.N9 N83 1998 Nuclear methods in mineralogy and geology : techniques and applications / 1
QE501.4.N9 N83 1998eb Nuclear methods in mineralogy and geology : techniques and applications / 1
QE501.4.N9 P73 1987 The Practical applications of trace elements and isotopes to environmental biogeochemistry and mineral resources evaluation / 1
QE501.4.N9 .R37 2010 Radiogenic isotopes in geologic processes 1
QE501.4.N9 S33 2016 Radiogenic isotope geochemistry : a guide for industry professionals / 2
QE501.4.N9 S422 2007 Principles of stable isotope geochemistry / 1
QE501.4.N9 S72 1983 Stable isotopes in sedimentary geology / 1
QE501.4.N9 S73 1991 Stable isotope geochemistry : a tribute to Samuel Epstein / 1
QE501.4.N9 S75 1997 Radiogenic isotope geochemistry of sedimentary and aquatic systems
Radiogenic isotope geochemistry of sedimentary and aquatic systems /
QE501.4.N9 S82 1987 Stable isotope geochemistry of low temperature processes / 1
QE501.4.N9 T5813 1994 Nuclear geochemistry / 1
QE501.4.N9 T65 2008 The evolution of matter : from the big bang to the present day Earth /
The Evolution of Matter : From the Big Bang to the Present Day /
QE501.4.P3 A brief history of South American Metatherians : evolutionary contexts and intercontinental dispersals /
Paleo-geodynamics peculiarities of the Arctic Ocean Eurasian floor /
QE501.4.P3 A64 1992 The Antarctic paleoenvironment : a perspective on global change /
The Antarctic paleoenvironment a perspective on global change.
QE501.4.P3 A64 1993 The Antarctic paleoenvironment a perspective on global change. 1