Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QE511.5 .F734 2011eb | The continental drift controversy. | 1 |
QE511.5 .G56 | Continental drift and plate tectonics / | 1 |
QE511.5 .G657 1988 | Gondwana and Tethys / | 1 |
QE511.5 .G6575 1999 | Gondwana dispersion and Asian accretion : IGCP 321 final results volume / | 1 |
QE511.5 .G658 1987 |
Gondwana six : stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleontology / Gondwana six stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleontology / |
2 |
QE511.5 .G66 1987 |
Gondwana six : structure, tectonics, and geophysics / Gondwana six structure, tectonics, and geophysics / |
2 |
QE511.5 .G667 1991 | Gondwana eight : assembly, evolution and dispersal : proceedings of the Eighth Gondwana Symposium, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 21-24 June 1991 / | 1 |
QE511.5 .G74 2015 | Alfred Wegener : science, exploration, and the theory of continental drift / | 1 |
QE511.5 .G74 2015eb | Alfred Wegener : science, exploration, and the theory of continental drift / | 2 |
QE511.5 .I5 1973 | Gondwana geology : papers presented at the Third Gondwana Symposium. / | 1 |
QE511.5 .I54 1994b | Gondwana nine : Ninth International Gondwana Symposium, 10-14 January, 1994, Hyderabad, India / | 1 |
QE511.5 .I56 1967 | Reviews prepared for the first Symposium on Gondwana Stratigraphy, Mar del Plata, Argentina, September 1967. | 1 |
QE511.5 .K53 1983 | Wandering continents and spreading sea floors on an expanding earth / | 1 |
QE511.5 .L44 1988 | Drifting continents and shifting theories : the modern revolution in geology and scientific change / | 2 |
QE511.5 .M33 1969 | Kontinentaldrift und Geologie des südatlantischen Ozeans / | 1 |
QE511.5 .M37 | Continental drift: the evolution of a concept / | 1 |
QE511.5 .M39 | Mechanisms of continental drift and plate tectonics / | 1 |
QE511.5 .M39 1980 | Mechanisms of continental drift and plate tectonics / | 1 |
QE511.5 .M4 | The Megatectonics of continents and oceans / | 1 |
QE511.5 .M56 |
Mineral deposits, continental drift, and plate tectonics / Mineral deposits, continental drift and plate tectonics / |
2 |