Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE571 .O75 1989 Origin and evolution of sedimentary basins and their energy and mineral resources /
Origin and evolution of sedimentary basins and their energy and mineral resources
QE 571 O75 1989  
QE571 .O78 1930 Mathematical theory of the process of consolidation of mud deposits / 1
QE571 .P543 Piedmont plains and sand-formations in arid and humid tropic and subtropic regions / 1
QE571 .P55 1989 Deep marine environments : clastic sedimentation and tectonics / 1
QE571 .P74 1983 Principles of lake sedimentology / 2
QE571 .P76 1993 Processes controlling the composition of clastic sediments / 1
QE571 .Q36 1994 Quantifying sedimentary geochemical processes / 1
QE571 .Q38 1994 Quantitative diagenesis : recent developments and applications to reservoir geology / 1
QE571 .R34 1982 Past and present eolian sediments : 1982 fall field trip / 1
QE571 .R39 1986 Reef diagenesis / 1
QE571 .R425 1985 Recognition of fluvial depositional systems and their resource potential / 1
QE571 .R45 1998 Relative role of eustasy, climate, and tectonism in continental rocks / 1
QE571 .R47 1983 Residual deposits : surface related weathering processes and materials / 1
QE571 .R53 1986 Diagenetic bedding : a model for marl-limestone alternations / 1
QE571 .R54 1993 Sedimentation as a three-component system : organic carbon, carbonate, noncarbonate / 2
QE571 .R63 1993 Eocene climates, depositional environments, and geography, greater Green River basin, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado / 1
QE571 .S2 1982 Sandstone depositional environments / 1
QE571 .S3 Theoretical geomorphology. 1
QE571 .S373 2010 Sediment dynamics for a changing future / 1