Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE651 .S75 2002 Stratigraphical procedure / 1
QE651 .S77 2007 Stratigraphic analyses using GPR / 1
QE651 .S77 2016 Stratigraphy & timescales / 1
QE651 .S78 1984 Stratigraphy : foundations and concepts / 2
QE651 .S957 1982 Symposium on the Paleoenvironmental Setting and Distribution of the Waulsortian Facies : March 2-6, 1982 / 1
QE651 .T4 Les temps fossilifères / 1
QE651 .T43 1988 Tectonic controls on sedimentation within a foreland basin : the Bearpaw, Blood Reserve, and St. Mary River formations, southwestern Alberta : field trip guide to sequences, stratigraphy, sedimentology, surface and subsurface / 1
QE651 .U55 1998 Unlocking the stratigraphical record : advances in modern stratigraphy / 1
QE651 .V57 1999 Stratigraphic systems : origin and application / 1
QE651 .W35 1988 Erosion surfaces, gravel veneers, sandier-upward sequences, and event stratigraphy : a field guide to the Cardium Formation (Turonian) in the Seebe-Kananaskis area, Alberta : field trip guide to sequences, stratigraphy, sedimentology, surface and subsurface / 1
QE651 .W4 1966 Outline of historical geology / 1
QE651 .W52 Carbonate facies in geologic history / 1
QE651 .W6 Historical geology / 1
QE651.5 Rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy / 1
QE651.5 .C923 2004 Cyclostratigraphy : approaches and case histories / 1
QE651.5 .C935 2018eb Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology / 1
QE651.5 .O73 1995 Orbital forcing timescales and cyclostratigraphy / 1
QE651.5 .P47 2013eb Permo-Triassic sequence of the Arabian plate / 1
QE651.5 .R43 1995 Milankovitch sea level changes, cycles, and reservoirs on carbonate platforms in greenhouse and ice-house worlds : a short course organized / 1
QE651.5 .S39 1993 Cyclostratigraphy and the Milankovitch theory / 1