Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE683 .G465 1992eb Geology of the Brent Group / 1
QE683 .I44 Stratigraphic distribution and zonation of Jurassic (Callovian) ammonites in southern Alaska / 1
QE683 .M37 1996 Stratigraphie, sédimentologie et interprétations géodynamiques du Lias-début du Dogger : exemple de sédimentation carbonatée de plate-forme en Oranie (Monts de Sidi el Abed, Hautes-Plaines, Algérie occidentale / 1
QE684 .B37 1986 A Basin analysis case study : the Morrison Formation, Grants uranium region, New Mexico / 1
QE684 .B46 1985 Evolution de la plate-forme de l'ouest algérien et du nord-est marocain au cours du Jurassique supérieur et au début du Crétacé : stratigraphie, milieux de dépôt et dynamique sédimentaire / 1
QE684 .D4 1982 Le Jurassique supérieur du Berry : sud du bassin de Paris, France / 1
QE684 .G84 Origin of the Upper Jurassic limestones of the Swabian Alb (Southwest Germany) / 1
QE684 .G844 1999 Integrated stratigraphy of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian (late Jurassic) in northern Switzerland and adjacent southern Germany / 1
QE684 .G844 2000 Integrated stratigraphy of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian (late Jurassic) in northern Switzerland and adjacent southern Germany / 1
QE684 .G94 2012 Quantitative geology of late Jurassic epicontinental sediments in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland / 1
QE684 .P47 1984 A revised radiolarian zonation for the Upper Jurassic of Western North America / 1
QE684 .R16 Contribution à l'étude micropaléontologique et stratigraphique du Jurassique supérieur et du Crétacé inférieur des environs de Lisbonne (Portugal) / 1
QE685 Depositional environments of the Upper Cretaceous rocks in the northern part of the Eastern Alps /
Cretaceous resources, events, and rhythms : background and plans for research /
Eustasy, high-frequency sea level cycles and habitat heterogeneity /
Microbiota from the Late Cretaceous-Early Palaeocene boundary transition in the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Central India : systematics and palaeoecological, palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiogeographical implications /
QE685 .A3 The Weno and Pawpaw formations of the Texas Comanchean / 1
QE685 .A57 Lower Cretaceous deposits in California and Oregon / 1
QE685 .A58 Upper Cretaceous of the Pacific coast / 1
QE685 .B5 Research manual on Himalayan geosyncline / 1
QE685 .C34 2001 The Campanian-Maastrichtian stage boundary : characterisation at Tercis les Bains (France) and correlation with Europe and other continents / 1
QE685 .C36 2001eb The Campanian-Maastrichtian stage boundary characterisation at Tercis les Bains (France) and correlation with Europe and other continents / 1
QE685 .C74 1981 Cretaceous stratigraphy and sedimentation in northwest Iowa, northeast Nebraska, and southeast South Dakota / 1