Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE70 .M43 v.31 1994 Acanthostega gunnari, a Devonian tetrapod from Greenland : the snout, palate and ventral parts of the braincase, with a discussion of their significance / 1
QE70 .M43 v.32 1994 Late Triassic continental vertebrates and depositional environments of the Fleming Fjord Formation, Jameson Land, East Greenland / 1
QE70 .M43 v.33 1995 Palaeoentomology of the Kap København Formation, a Plio-Pleistocene sequence in Peary Land, North Greenland / 1
QE70 .M43 v.34 1997 The question of the Eotriassic tetrapod genus Wetlugasaurus in Greenland and thoughts on the fossa coniformis entopterygoidea / 1
QE70 .M43 v.35 1997 Lower Cambrian trilobites from North Greenland / 1
QE70 .M43 v.36 1998 Molluscan palaeontology of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Kap Københaven Formation, North Greenland / 1
QE70 .M43 v.37 1999 Genesis and evolution of the Ivigtut cryolite deposit, SW Greenland / 1
QE70 .M43 v.38 1999 A new amphibious tetrapod from the Greenlandic Eotriassic / 1
QE70 .M43 v.39 2001 The Hans Tausen ice cap : glaciology and glacial geology / 1
QE70 .M43 v.40 2002 Geology of the Lujavrites from the Ilimaussaq complex, South Greenland, with information from seven bore holes / 1
QE70 .M43 v.41 2002 Holocene sedimentation history of the shallow Kangerlussuaq lakes, West Greenland / 1
QE70 .M43 v.42 2004 Fish otoliths from the Paleocene (Selandian) of West Greenland / 1
QE70 .M43 v.43 2005 Localities, distribution and stratigraphical context of the Late Devonian tetrapods of East Greenland / 1
QE70 .M43 v.44 2006 The columns of ikaite tufa in Ikka Fjord, Greenland / 1
QE70 .M56 2009 The Mjølnir impact event geology and geophysics of a late Jurassic/early Cretaceous submarine impact structure / 1
QE70 .P73 1999 Precambrian geology of the Disko Bugt region, West Greenland / 1
QE70 .R48 Review of Greenland activities. 1
QE70 .R67 Marine geology and oceanography of the arctic seas / 1
QE70 .V36 1998 The Citronen Fjord massive sulphide deposit, Peary Land, north Greenland : discovery, stratigraphy, mineralization, and structural setting / 1
QE70 .W55 Stratigraphische und tektonische Beobachtungen in der Mesters Vig-Region (Scoresby Land, Nordostgrönland) With a summary in English. 1