QE70 .M43 v.1 1979
Geomorphological observations at Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.2 1979
Galena and associated ore minerals from the cryolite at Ivigtut, South Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.3 1980
Petrology of the coastal dykes at Tugtilik, southern East Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.4 1981
Kimberlite and lamproite dykes from Holsteinsborg, West Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.5 1981
Late Weichselian and Flandrian biostratigraphy and chronology from Hochstetter Forland, Northeast Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.6 1981
The Pre-basaltic sediments and the Lower Basalts at Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland : their stratigraphy, lithology, palaeomagnetism, and petrology / |
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QE70 .M43 v.7 1982
Mineralogy of the Werner Bjerge alkaline complex, East Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.8 1982
Nares Strait and the drift of Greenland : a conflict in plate tectonics / |
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QE70 .M43 v.9 1982
The Phanerozoic development of the Kangerdlugssuaq area, East Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.10 1983
The Holocene vegetational development of the Godthåbsfjord area, West Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.11 1983
Glacier-dammed lake investigations in the Hullet lake area, South Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.12 1984
Syenitic and associated intrusions of the Kap Edvard Holm region of Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.15 1986
Gravity measurements in Jameson Land and neighbouring parts of East Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.16 1986
Mineralized fracture systems of the Skaergaard intrusion, east Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.17 1986
The Mineral occurrences of central East Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.18 1987
Quaternary geology and biology of the Jørgen Brønlund Fjord area, North Grenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.19 1987
Late Precambrian glaciation of central east Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.20 1988
Stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Holm Dal Formation (late Middle Cambrian), central North Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.21 1989
Post-glacial mass flow and associated deposits preserved in palaeovalleys : the late Precambrian Morænsø Formation, North Greenland / |
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QE70 .M43 v.22 1990
Late Quaternary stratigraphy and glaciology in the Thule area, northwest Greenland / |
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