Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE701 .B85 v.100-101 no.336-338 1991 Neogene paleontology in the northern Dominican Republic / 1
QE701 .B85 v.102-103 no.339-341 1992 Neogene paleontology in the northern Dominican Republic / 1
QE701 .B85 v.104-107 no.342-346 1993-94 Brachiopods of the Onondaga Formation, Moorehouse Member (Devonian, Eifelian), in the Genesee Valley, Western New York / 1
QE701 .B85 v.108-109 no.347-350 1995/96 Gilbert Dennison Harris, a life with fossils / 1
QE701 .B85 v.110-111 no.351-352 1996 The molluscan macrofauna of the Reklaw Formation, Marquez Member (Eocene, Lower Claibornian) in Texas / 1
QE701 .B85 v.113 no.354 1998  
QE701 .B85 vol. 87-88 no.320-322 Early Pliocene benthic foraminifers from the Salina Basin, southeastern Mexico / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 87 no. 320 A revised radiolarian zonation for the Upper Jurassic of Western North America / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 87 no. 321 Miocene diatoms from the Hawthorn Formation, Thomas County, Georgia / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 88 no. 322 Early Pliocene benthic foraminifers from the Salina Basin, southeastern Mexico / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 89 no. 323, etc Neogene paleontology in the northern Dominican Republic / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 91 no. 326 Jurassic Nassellariina (Radiolaria) from North American geologic terranes / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 92 no. 327 The fauna and paleoecology of the late Pleistocene marine sediments of southeastern Virginia / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 95 no. 330 Hombergian (Chesterian) echinoderm paleontology and paleoecology, south-central Kentucky / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 96 no. 331 Cenozoic fossil Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Japan / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 98 no. 333 Latest Ordovician to earliest Silurian solitary rugose corals of the east-central United States / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 99 no. 335 Review of the Bullia group (Gastropoda: Nassariidae) with comments on its evolution, biogeography, and phylogeny / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 100 no. 336 Review of selected North American mitrate stylophorans (Homalozoa: Echinodermata) / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 100 no. 337 Late Triassic cyrtinoid spiriferinacean brachiopods from western North America and their biostratigraphic and biogeographic implications / 1
QE701 .B85 vol. 103 no. 341 Eocene euthecosomatous Pteropoda (Gastropoda) of the Gulf and eastern coasts of North America / 1