Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE719.8 .P34 2001 Palaeobiology II / 1
QE719.8 .P34 2001eb Palaeobiology II 1
QE719.8 .P35 1998 Paleobiology of the Williamsburg Formation (Black Mingo Group; Paleocene) of South Carolina, U.S.A. / 1
QE719.8 .P76 2004 Bringing fossils to life : an introduction to paleobiology / 1
QE719.8 .P76 2013 Bringing fossils to life : an introduction to paleobiology / 2
QE719.8 .S26 2012eb Embryos in Deep Time : the Rock Record of Biological Development /
Embryos in Deep Time the Rock Record of Biological Development /
QE719.8 .S47 2012 Online Rereading the fossil record : the growth of paleobiology as an evolutionary discipline / 3
QE719.8 .S84 2010 Triassic life on land : the great transition / 1
QE719.8 S847 2010 Triassic Life On Land : the Great Transition / 1
QE719.8 .U5 2005 Understanding Late Devonian and Permian-Triassic biotic and climatic events : towards an integrated approach / 1
QE719.8 .U5 2005eb Understanding Late Devonian and Permian-Triassic biotic and climatic events towards an integrated approach / 2
QE720 Palaeoecology : ecosystems, environments, and evolution /
Applications of paleoenvironmental techniques in estuarine studies /
Methods in paleoecology : reconstructing cenozoic terrestrial environments and ecological communities /
Quaternary Environmental Change in the Tropics /
A human environment : studies in honour of 20 years Analecta editorship by prof. dr. Corrie Bakels /
Micro-XRF studies of sediment cores : applications of a non-destructive tool for the environmental sciences /
QE720 .B38 2005 Late Quaternary environmental change : physical and human perspectives / 1
QE720 .B38 2013eb Late Quaternary environmental change : physical and human perspectives / 1
QE720 .B55 1985 Biogenic structures : their use in interpreting depositional environments / 1
QE720 .B56 1983 Biotic interactions in recent and fossil benthic communities
Biotic interactions in recent and fossil benthic communities /
QE720 .B68 Principles of benthic marine paleoecology / 1
QE720 .B74 1998 Palaeoecology : ecosystems, environments and evolution / 1
QE720.B75.H35 2005eb Haida Gwaii : Human History and Environment from the Time of Loon to the Time of the Iron People. 1
QE720 .C37 2012eb Handbook of plant palaeoecology / 1