Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE75 .P9 no.414-G Redescription of three species of corals from the Lockport Dolomite in New York / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 417-E Natural water loss and recoverable water in mountain basins of southern California / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 418B Middle Bajocian ammonites from the Cook Inlet region, Alaska / 1
QE75 .P9 no.419 QE155.M6 Miocene marine mollusks from the Astoria formation in Oregon / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 422-B Hydraulic geometry of a small tidal estuary / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 422-I An approach to the sediment transport problem from general physics / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 429-B Ecology of benthonic species / 1
QE75 .P9 no.440-D Composition of the earth's crust : discussion of methods of determining the crustal composition / 1
QE75 .P9 no.440JJ Composition of fluid inclusions / 1
QE75 .P9 no.440L Phase-equilibrium relations of the common rock-forming oxides except water / 1
QE75 .P9 no.440N Chemistry of igneous rocks. 1
QE75 .P9 no.440S Chemical composition of sandstones : excluding carbonate and volcanic sands / 1
QE75 .P9 no.440T Nondetrital siliceous sediments / 1
QE75 .P9 no.440W Chemistry of the iron-rich sedimentary rocks / 1
QE75 .P9 no.440Y Marine evaporites / 1
QE75 .P9 no.441 Water resources of the Upper Colorado River Basin : technical report / 1
QE75 .P9, no.444 Geology of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington / 1
QE75 .P9 no.446 QE144.G8H3 Geology of the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 447 The Comanche Series and associated rocks in the subsurface in central and south Florida / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 448-B General geology of the Mississippi embayment / 1