Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE75 .P9 no.352-I Rates of slope degredation as determined from botanical evidence, White Mountains, California / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 352-J Chemical weathering, soil development, and geochemical fractionation in a part of the White Mountains, Mono and Inyo Counties, California / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 353 Beryl resources of New Hampshire / 1
QE75 .P9 no.354-A Intrenched meanders of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River, Virginia / 1
QE75 .P9 no.354-B Interpretation of the composition of trioctahedral micas / 1
QE75 .P9 no.354-C Giant waves in Lituya Bay, Alaska / 1
QE75 .P9 no.354-E Interpretation of the composition of lithium micas / 1
QE75 .P9 no.354-F Zones and zonal variations in welded ash flows / 1
QE75 .P9 no.354-G Deposition of uranium in salt-pan basins / 1
QE75 .P9 no.354-H Foraminifera from Onotoa Atoll, Gilbert Islands / 1
QE75 .P9 no.354-I Occurrence and significance of marine animal remains in American coal balls / 1
QE75 .P9 no.355 QE471.R42 Studies of the Mowry shale (Cretaceous) and contemporary formations in the United States and Canada / 1
QE75 .P9 no.356-A Oil yield and uranium content of black shales / 1
QE75 P9, no.356-B Uranium and other trace elements in petroleums and rock asphalts / 1
QE75 .P9 no.356-C Geology and geochemistry of uranium in marine black shales : a review / 1
QE75 .P9 no.356-D Geology of uranium in coaly carbonaceous rocks / 1
QE75 .P9 no.357 QE165.C6 Chattanooga shale and related rocks of central Tennessee and nearby areas / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 358 Primary textures and mineral associations in the Ultramafic zone of the Stillwater complex, Montana / 1
QE75 .P9 no.359 TN24.C6S48 Economic geology of the Central City District, Gilpin County, Colorado / 1
QE75 .P9 no.360 QE90.N45B3 Geology and quicksilver deposits of the New Almaden District, Santa Clara County, California / 1