Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE75 .P9 no.480 QE168.S5K5 Geology of the Sierra Diablo region, Texas / 1
QE75 .P9 no.481 QE92.M62E4 Geology and petrology of the Ute Mountains area, Colorado / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 482 Physiographic divisions of Alaska / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 483-A California Carboniferous cephalopods / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 483-B The Devonian colonial coral genus Billingsastraea and its earliest known species / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 483-C Marine Jurassic pelecypods from central and southern Utah / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 483-D Upper Jurassic mollusks from eastern Oregon and western Idaho / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 483-E Multinodose scaphitid cephalopods from the lower part of the Pierre Shale and equivalent rocks in the conterminous United States / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 483-F An unusual Lower Cambrian trilobite fauna from Nevada / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 483-G Evolution and distribution of the genus Mya, and Tertiary migrations of Mollusca / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 483-H Giant Upper Cretaceous oysters from the Gulf coast and Caribbean / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 483-I Correlation and foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous) Long Island, New York / 1
QE75 .P9 no.484 QE173.H3 Geomorphology of the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, and West Virginia, and origin of the residual ore deposits / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 485 Throughfall for summer thunderstorms in a juniper and pinyon woodland, Cibecue Ridge, Arizona / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 485-A Botanical evidence of floods and flood-plain deposition / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 485-C Annual growth of suppressed chestnut oak and red maple : a basis for hydrologic inference / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 485-D Plant ecology of an arid basin, Tres Alamos-Redington area, southeastern Arizona / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 485-E Historic flood information for northern California streams from geological and botanical evidence / 1
QE75.P9 no. 486-B Precipitation, runoff, and water loss in the Lower Colorado River, Salton Sea area / 1
QE75 .P9 no. 486-D Lower Colorado River water supply : its magnitude and distribution / 1