Call Number (LC) Title Results
QE772 .P6 Foraminifera of the Midway formation in Texas / 1
QE772 .P76 Progress in micropaleontology : selected papers in honor of prof. Kiyoshi Asano : special publication / 1
QE772 .R357 1958 Structure of some Rotaliidea / 1
QE772 .R4 1970 Stratigraphy and fauna of the Agua Salada group, State of Falcón, Venezuela / 1
QE772 .R43 1965 Mid-Tertiary smaller Foraminifera from a bore at Heywood, Victoria, Australia. 1
QE772 .R487 1970 Die Foraminiferen des norddeutschen Hils and Gault : eine Monographie / 1
QE772 .R8 1985 Les foraminifères (Nodosariidés) du Lias de l'Europe occidentale / 1
QE772 .S35 Significance of Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) Californica : new species, in the Vaqueros formation (Tertiary), California / 1
QE772 .S356 1970 Fossile Foraminiferen von Kar Nikobar. : Die Foraminiferen aus den Eocaenablagerungen der libyschen Wüste und Aegyptens / 1
QE772 .S36 Utility of Haeuslerella Parr (Foraminifera) in New Zealand middle Tertiary stratigraphy / 1
QE772 .S55 1920 Shorter contributions to general geology, 1920 / 1
QE772 .S74 2007 The Pennsylvanian-early Permian Bird Spring carbonate shelf, Southeastern California : fusulinid biostratigraphy, paleogeographic evolution, and tectonic implications / 1
QE772 .S85 1989 Stratigraphical atlas of fossil Foraminifera / 1
QE772 .S8565 1984 Triassic Foraminifera from Southland syncline, New Zealand / 1
QE772 .S8613 Fossil foraminifera of the USSR : Globigerinidae, Hantkeninidae and Globorotaliidae / 1
QE772 .T46 Hantkenina in the Eocene of East Borneo / 1
QE772 .T55 An index to the genera and species of the Foraminifera, 1890-1950 / 1
QE772 .T58 1983 Paleocene-Eocene bathyal and abyssal benthic foraminifera from the Atlantic Ocean / 1
QE772 .V3 Preliminary report on the Cretaceous and Tertiary larger Foraminifera of Trinidad, British West Indies / 1
QE772 .V35 1986 Cenozoic cosmopolitan deep-water benthic Foraminifera / 1