Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QE781 .G55 1960 | Carpoid echinoderms from the Silurian and Devonian of Australia / | 1 |
QE781 .G84 1984 | Echinodermata of the Middle Ordovician Lebanon limestone, central Tennessee / | 1 |
QE781 .K4 | Growth in two populations of the crinoid Eucalyptocrinites crassus / | 1 |
QE781 .M65 1890 | Description of some new genera and species of Echinodermata from the coal measures and subcarboniferous rocks of Indiana, Missouri, and Iowa / | 1 |
QE781 .P36 | Echinoderms from Middle and Upper Ordovician rocks of Kentucky : descriptions and illustrations of nine species of Stylophora, Paracrinoidea, Inadunata, Cyclocystoidea, and Rhombifera / | 1 |
QE781 .S39 1980 | Echinoderms : notes for a short course : prepared for the Short Course on Echinoderms sponsored by the Paleontological Society and the Southeastern Section of the Paleontological Society, held at Atlanta, Georgia, November 16, 1980 / | 1 |
QE781 .S44 2022 | A review of blastozoan echinoderm respiratory structures / | 1 |
QE781 .S53 2015eb | A monograph on the British fossil Echinodermata from the Cretaceous formations : the Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea / | 1 |
QE781 .S86 2023 | A review and evaluation of homology hypotheses in echinoderm paleobiology / | 1 |
QE781 .T46 2022 | Molecular paleobiology of the echinoderm skeleton / | 1 |
QE781 .W43 2004 | Carboniferous (Viséan-Moscovian) Echinoderms from the Béchar Basin area of Western Algeria / | 1 |
QE781 .W7 2015 | Monograph on the British fossil Echinodermata from the Cretaceous formations, [Echinoidea] / | 1 |
QE781 .W75 2021 | Testing character evolution models in phylogenetic paleobiology : a case study with cambrian echinoderms / | 1 |
QE782 .A53 1991 | Distribution bathymétrique des Pentacrines du Pacifique occidental : essai de modélisation et d'application aux faunes du lias : problèmes de tectono-eustatisme au cours du rifting téthysien / | 1 |
QE782 .A89 2010 | The Crinoidea of Anticosti Island, Québec (late Ordovician to early Silurian) / | 1 |
QE782 .B76 | Middle Ordovician crinoids from southwestern Virginia and eastern Tennessee / | 1 |
QE782 .B77 | Middle Ordovician crinoids from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota / | 1 |
QE782 .C65 2022 | Niche evolution and phylogentic community paleoecology of late Ordovician Crinoids / | 1 |
QE782 .E33 2001 | Early Silurian (Llandovery) crinoids from the lower Clinton group, Western New York State / | 1 |
QE782 .F67 1999 |
Fossil Crinoids / Fossil crinoids / |
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