Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH104.5.G73 Beaver bison horse : the traditional knowledge and ecology of the Northern Great Plains /
Back from the Collapse : American Prairie and the Restoration of Great Plains Wildlife /
QH104.5.G73 D96 1994 A sea of grass : the tallgrass prairie / 2
QH104.5.G73 J64 2005 Prairie dog empire : a saga of the shortgrass prairie / 1
QH104.5.G73 L38 1987 Late Quaternary mammalian biogeography and environments of the Great Plains and prairies / 1
QH104.5.G73 L53 1997 Ecology and economics of the Great Plains / 1
QH104.5.G73 M36 2009 Rewilding the West : restoration in a prairie landscape / 2
QH104.5.G73 N67 1989 Northern prairie wetlands / 1
QH104.5.G73 P49 1989 The Physicochemistry, flora, and fauna of intermittent prairie streams : a review of the literature / 1
QH104.5.G84 C48 1988 Coastal marshes : ecology and wildlife management / 1
QH104.5.G84C48 1988 Coastal Marshes : Ecology and Wildlife Management. 2
QH104.5.G84 R83 1988 The wilderness coast : adventures of a Gulf Coast naturalist / 2
QH104.5.H53 G55 1998 Chokecherry places : essays from the High Plains / 2
QH104.5.H53 G55 1998eb Chokecherry places : essays from the High Plains / 1
QH104.5.H53 S65 2003 Playas of the Great Plains / 1
QH104.5.H55 H55 2011 The Highlands : critical resources, treasured landscapes / 1
QH104.5.H83 H83 2006 The Hudson River Estuary / 1
QH104.5.H83 H83 2006eb The Hudson River Estuary / 1
QH104.5.H83 L56 1986 Hudson River ecosystem / 1
QH104.5.H83 S74 1996 The Hudson : an illustrated guide to the living river / 1
QH104.5.H83 S74 2007 The Hudson : an illustrated guide to the living river / 1