Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH311 .M79 The wine of life, and other essays on societies, energy & living things / 2
QH311.O44 Shaping the Future : Biology and Human Values. 1
QH311 .O44 1989 Shaping the future : biology and human values / 1
QH311 .O44 1989eb Shaping the future : biology and human values / 1
QH311 .O46 1984 The Omni interviews / 2
QH311 .P3 Biology and social problems / 1
QH311 .P7 Biology and the human sciences;
Biologische zeitfragen. : Schulreform - Lebenserforschung - Darwin - Hypnotismus /
QH311 .P83 1938 Biology and Marxism / 1
QH311 .Q3 1976 The Quarterly review of biology : 50th anniversary special issue, 1926-1976 / 1
QH311 .R24 Biology / 1
QH311 .R68 1956 Life, the great adventure / 1
QH311 .R723 Can man be modified? / 1
QH311 .R743 Error and deception in science : essays on biological aspects of life / 1
QH311 .S35 Mathematik und Biologie / 1
QH311 .S38 Seele und Leib in Wechselbeziehung zu einander / 1
QH311 .S65 Philosophy of biology. 1
QH311 .S93 1983 Field days : journal of an itinerant biologist / 1
QH311 .T48 1985 Theoretical biology and complexity : three essays on the natural philosophy of complex systems /
Theoretical biology and complexity three essays on the natural philosophy of complex systems /
QH311 .T5 The Bible of nature : five lectures delivered before Lake Forest college on the foundation of the late William Bross / 1
QH311 .T53 1993 Thinking about biology : an invitation to current theoretical biology / 1