Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH331 .R67 2020 Reduction and mechanism / 2
QH331 .R84913 1973 Humanly possible; a biologist's notes on the future of mankind /
Humanly possible; a biologist's notes on the future of mankind.
QH331 .R857 2002 Lessons from the living cell : the limits of reductionism / 2
QH331 .R87 2019 The Darwinian revolution / 1
QH331 .R875 Leben als Harmonie der Gegensätze. 1
QH331 .R8787 Is science sexist? : and other problems in the biomedical sciences / 1
QH331 .R879 The philosophy of biology. 2
QH331 .R8793 1988 Philosophy of biology today / 2
QH331 .S228 Order: in life. 2
QH331 .S23 2016 Sadness or depression? : international perspectives on the depression epidemic and its meaning / 1
QH331 .S25 Vita e psiche : saggio di filosfia della biologia. 1
QH331 .S255 1986 Biophilosophy : analytic and holistic perspectives / 1
QH331 .S265 The principles of mechanistic biology / 1
QH331 .S2813 2011 A matter of wonder : what biology reveals about us, our world, and our dreams / 1
QH331 .S324 2004 Scientists debate Gaia : the next century / 1
QH331 .S324 2004eb Scientists debate Gaia : the next century / 1
QH331 .S325 1948 Anabioz. 1
QH331 .S33 1922 Grundzüge der Theorienbildung in der Biologie. 1
QH331 .S35213 1976 Anti-chance a reply to Monod's chances and necessity /
Anti-chance : a reply to Monod's chances and necessity /
QH331 .S353 1962 What is life? : the physical aspect of the living cell / 1