Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH366.2 D37 1986 The blind watchmaker / 1
QH366.2 .D37 1996 The blind watchmaker : why evidence of evolution reveals a universe without design / 1
QH366.2 .D373 2003 A devil's chaplain : reflections on hope, lies, science, and love / 1
QH366.2 .D374 2009 The greatest show on Earth : the evidence for evolution / 1
Your match would be here.
QH366.2 .D425 2009 Debating Darwin : two debates : is Darwinism true and does it matter? / 1
QH366.2 .D47 2008 Human origins : what bones and genomes tell us about ourselves / 1
QH366.2 .D54 Evolution: concepts and consequences
Evolution: concepts and consequences /
QH366.2 .D54 1978 Evolution : concepts and consequences / 2
QH366.2 .D55 1983 Dimensions of Darwinism : themes and counterthemes in twentieth-century evolutionary theory /
Dimensions of Darwinism : themes and counterthemes in twentieth century evolutionary theory /
QH366.2 .D5613 1982 The origins of life : evolution as creation / 1
QH366.2 .D57 2009 Divine action and natural selection : science, faith, and evolution /
Divine action and natural selection : science, faith and evolution /
QH366.2 .D59 1982 Genetics and the origin of species / 1
QH366.2 .D67 2000 Dear Mr. Darwin : letters on the evolution of life and human nature / 2
QH366.2 .D865 2021 The evolutionary origins of life and death / 2
QH366.2 .D89 2014 Darwin's On the origin of species a modern rendition /
Darwin's On the origin of species : a modern rendition /
QH366.2 .E25 Ecological genetics and evolution: essays in honour of E. B. Ford / 1
QH366.2 .E26 1989 Blueprints : solving the mystery of evolution / 1
QH366.2 .E35 1974 The process of evolution / 1
QH366.2 .E47 1999 The firmament of time / 2
QH366.2 .E52 1989 Macroevolutionary dynamics : species, niches, and adaptive peaks / 2