Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH429.2.B46 H65 2006eb Reconceiving the gene : Seymour Benzer's adventures in phage genetics /
Reconceiving the Gene : Seymour Benzer's Adventures in Phage Genetics. /
QH429.2.C28 S76 2005 A genetic and cultural odyssey : the life and work of L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza / 1
QH429.2.C28 S76 2005eb A genetic and cultural odyssey : the life and work of L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza / 1
QH429.2.C75 Solitude of a Humble Genius-- Gregor Johann Mendel. 1
QH429.2.C75 O43 2009 Francis Crick : hunter of life's secrets / 1
QH429.2.C75 R53 2006 Francis Crick : discoverer of the genetic code / 1
QH429.2.D37 ǂb H37 2004eb The Man Who Invented the Chromosome : A Life of Cyril Darlington / 1
QH429.2.D37 ǂb H37 2004eb The Man Who Invented the Chromosome : A Life of Cyril Darlington / 1
QH429.2.D37 H37 2004 The man who invented the chromosome : a life of Cyril Darlington / 1
QH429.2.D37 H37 2004eb The man who invented the chromosome : the life of Cyril Darlington / 1
QH429.2.G35 B76 2004 Extreme measures : the dark visions and bright ideas of Francis Galton / 1
QH429.2.G35 B856 2003 Francis Galton : pioneer of heredity and biometry / 1
QH429.2.G35 B856 2003eb Francis Galton : pioneer of heredity and biometry / 2
QH429.2.G35 G53 2001 A life of Sir Francis Galton : from African exploration to the birth of Eugenics / 2
QH429.2.G55 A3 2008 Ėpizody iz sovetskoĭ zhizni : vospominani︠i︡a / 1
QH429.2.J33 A3 1988 The statue within : an autobiography / 1
QH429.2.J33 A313 1988 The statue within : an autobiography / 1
QH429.2.L45 L4513 2000 Life is a blessing : a biography of Jérôme Lejeune, geneticist, doctor, father / 1
QH429.2.L49 Genes, Development and Cancer : the Life and Work of Edward B. Lewis / 1
QH429.2.L49 L49 2004 Genes, development, and cancer : the life and work of Edward B. Lewis / 1