Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH431 .D23 Inheritance in canaries / 1
QH431 .D25 Heredity of skin color in negro-white crosses / 1
QH431 .D29 Gene activity in early development / 1
QH431 .D29 1976 Gene activity in early development 1
QH431 .D297 Readings in population biology / 1
QH431 .D3 Race, reason & rubbish : a primer of race biology / 1
QH431 .D34 Molecular genetics / 1
QH431 .D43 2015 An introduction to genetics for language scientists : current concepts, methods and findings / 1
QH431 .D435 2015eb An introduction to genetics for language scientists : current concepts, methods and findings / 1
QH431 .D57 Contributions to the genetics, taxonomy, and ecology of Drosophila pseudoobscura and its relatives / 1
QH431 .D577 Genetics of the evolutionary process
Genetics of the evolutionary process /
QH431 .D58 Heredity and the nature of man / 1
QH431 .D6 Genetics : the modern science of heredity / 1
QH431 .D75 The third and fourth generation : an introduction to heredity / 1
QH431 .D77 The molecular basis of mutation / 1
QH431 .D835 1932b Erbbiologischer und rassenhygienischer Wegweiser für Jedermann / 1
QH431 .D839 Genetics in the 20th century : essays on the progress of genetics during the first 50 years / 1
QH431 .D8395 1965 Heredity and evolution in human populations / 1
QH431 .D8395 1965a Heredity and evolution in human populations / 1
QH431 .D84 1934 Heredity and variation : continuity and change in the living world / 1