Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH431 .C87 Outline of genetics : with special reference to plant material / 1
QH431 .C8724 Human population cytogenetics / 1
QH431 .C876 1966 The Foundations of Genetics. 1
QH431 .C88 Organic inheritance in man / 1
QH431 .C885 1966 Genetics notes / 1
QH431 .C886 An introduction to population genetics theory / 1
QH431 .C92 Hormones and heredity : a discussion of the evolution of adaptations and the evolution of species / 1
QH431 .C95 Cytogenetic and genome research. 1
QH431 .C97 2001 Analyzing chromosomes / 1
QH431 .C98 Cytogenetics and cell genetics.
Cytogenetic and genome research.
QH431 .C98 2021 Cytogenomics / 1
QH431 .C988 2001 Analyzing chromosomes / 1
QH431 .D2115 The elements of genetics / 1
QH431 .D212 1958 The evolution of genetic systems. 1
QH431 .D2122 1964 Genetics and man / 1
QH431 .D2124 1966 Teaching genetics in school and university / 1
QH431 .D213 Body-build and its inheritance / 1
QH431 .D214 The feebly inhibited : Nomadism, or the wandering impulse, with special reference to heredity, Inheritance of temperament / 1
QH431 .D215 The genetical factor in endemic goiter / 1
QH431 .D225 1911 Heredity in relation to eugenics / 1